Professor Dr. Hala Khaymi-Horani
BSc in Biology, The University of Jordan; MSc in Microbiology, The American University of Beirut, Lebanon; PhD in Microbial Biotechnology, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1991.
Current Academic Position
Professor of Microbial Biotechnology, The University of Jordan, 2003 to date.
Administrative Experience
Vice-president for Scientific Research, Graduate Studies, and Quality, 2010 till present. Dean of the Faculty of Science, 2005-2009. Vice Dean of the Faculty of science, February-July 2005. Assistant Dean of the Faculty of Science, 1997-1998. Acting Dean of Student Affairs, February-July 1996. Vice Dean of Student Affairs, 1995-1996.
Patent Claim
Cloning cry genes from the novel Jordanian Bacillus thuringiensis Ser. Jordanica (serotype H71).
Selected Memberships
Accreditation committee, Ministry of higher education, member 2007-2009.
Translator, revisor and editor of Connect UNESCO-UNEP Newsletter (ARRABITA), Vol.XII, XIII.1987-1988.
Author & Editor of Biology Text books for the First Secondary Class level in Jordan 1995-2010.
Member of Jordan’s team to the meetings of the Middle East Multilateral Peace talks on environment 1996- 1999.
Supervisor of teachers who submitted projects in order to offer them guidance and assistance throughout the projects’ development.
Head of the strategic committee at Greater Amman Municapality, 2007-present.
****Member of ……..CEDAW
Research Areas
Biological control of insects; biodiversity of bacteria; bacteriocin production; quality criteria for reclaimed water; isolation and characterization of potential biodegraders; biodiversity of marine bacteria.
Recent Publications
H. Khyami – Horani, and F.G. Priest. 2008. Thermotolerant varieties of Bacillus licheniformis isolated from desert environments. J. Applied Microbiology. Published online: 11 MAR 2008.
Masoud, H, H. Khyami-Horani, K.Alshawabkeh. 2009. Characterization of Salmonella Lipopolysaccharide Isolated from Poultry Farms in Jordan. Dirasat: Pure Sciences. 1:30-37.
Obeidat, M, H. Khyami-Horani, and M. T. Sadder. 2010. Molecular typing of local Jordanian Bacillus thuringiensis Strains by RAPD-PCR. Submitted.
Ibrahim Alabbadi, Renad Al-Momani, Hala Khyami-Horani. 2011. Impact of Electronic Academic Staff Websites for Scientific Research Documentation On World. Universities Ranking: University Of Jordan Challenge. 11th International Educational Technology Conference Proceedings (Volume I): 597-600.
Conference Participation
A. Al-Lahham, J. Abu Qayyas, H. Khyami-Horani, R. Al-Kayali. 2010. Colonization with Streptococcus pneumoniae and coverage of the pneumopcoccal conjugate vaccines among jordanian pediatrics: results of 3 studies, 2005-2010. 26th International Pediatric Association Congress. Johannesburg, South Africa 3-9 August 2010. Poster 917.
Khyami-Horani. Arab women and the environmental dimension of sustainable development. Arab Women Organization; 3rd Conference. Tunis, 28-30 October 2010.
Natali Sarsour and Hala Khyami-Horani .2011. Isolation, partial purification and characterization of the bacteriocins produced by Jordanian isolates of bacillus cereus and Bacillus thuringiensis. The European biotechnology congress 2011 (September 28 –October 1, 2011).
Hala Khyami- Horani. 2011. Higher education in Jordan: Reality and ways to improve it. Paper presented at the meeting of experts on the establishment of higher education in the Islamic world under the auspices of the Organization ISESCO. Beirut, Lebanon, 20-23 June 2011.
Hala Khyami Horani and Amjad Ahmad Hdaib. 2011. Developing strategies for higher education in Jordan. Paper presented to a regional experts meeting on drafting the strategy of ISESCO in the development of higher education. Amman - Jordan. 24-27 October 2011.
Amal El Kharouf and Hala Khyami Horani. 2011. Development of the reality of women working in universities. Paper submitted in the Fifth Conference on Scientific Research in Jordan, Amman in 19.11.2011.
Amal El Kharouf and Hala Khyami Horani. 2012. The Evolution of the Reality of Women Working in the Jordanian Universities (Public and Private) since 2000 to 2009. Academy of International Business MENA Chapter 2012 Conference.
Maher Obeidat. Hala Khyami-Horani, Adeeb Al-Zoubi, and Ismael Otri. 2012. Isolation, characterization, and hydrolytic activities of Geobacillus species from Jordanian hot springs. African Journal of Biotechnology 11(25): 6763-6768
Maher Obeidat, Hala Khyami-Horani and Fouad Al-Momani. 2012.Toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis beta-exotoxins and delta-endotoxins to Drosophila melanogaster, Ephestia kuhniella and human erythrocytes. African Journal of Biotechnology , 11(46):10504-10512
Rawaa Al-Kayali, Hala Khyami-Horani, Adnan Al-Lahham. 2013. Resistance patterns and risk factors of Streptococcus pneumoniae carriage among Jordanian healthy children. Submitted