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Dr. Sayed Khattari
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1- Khattari, S.K., L.R. Hossner, and C.D. Welch. 1975. Rice Growth and Available Phosphorus Relationships on Selected Gulf Coast Soils of Texas. Texas Exp. St.Bul.3326C.
2-Kharabsheh, N. and S.K.Khattari. 1982. Transformation of Urea, and Ammonium Sulfate in some Jordan Soils. Dirasat IX (1): 145-153
3-Kharabsheh, N. and S.K.Khattari, 1983. Ammonia Loss From Surface Applied Ammonium Sulfate and Urea in some Jordan Soils. Dirasat X (1): 143-151.
4- Khattari, S.K. 1984.Response of two Durum Wheat Varieties to Different Nitrogen Rates from three Sources in Two Soils from Jordan. Dirasat XI (7):79-89.
5- Anderson, W.B. and S.K.Khattari.1984.Iron Uptake by Plants and Deficiency Correction from an Irradiated Fe Fertilizer Source. Jour. Plant Nutrition. 7 (1-5), 319-328.
6- Khattari, S.K. 1984. Production of Vegetables and Lawn Seeds in Different Areas in Saudi Arabia: Soils and Water. Arab Organization for Agriculture Development Publisher.(in Arabic)
7- Khattari, S.K. 1985. Transformation of Ammonium Sulfate and Urea in Relation to Manure, Salt, and Active Calcium Carbonate Levels in Soils. Dirasat XII (4) 33-43.
8- Khattari, S.K.1985. Response of six Wheat Varieties to Different Nitrogen Rates. Dirasat XII (6) 59-66.
9- Khattari S.K. and A.Tell.1985. Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates on Ten Barley Varieties under Rainfed Conditions. Dirasat VII (12):75-89. (In Arabic).
10- Khattari, S.K. and W.B. Anderson. 1986. Iron Uptake by Sorghum Plants Partitioned Between Applied 59-Fe and Indigenous Fe from Three Soil Types. Jour. Plant Nutrition. 9 (3-7), 947-958.
11- Khattari, S.K. 1986. Heavy Metals in Soils of Zarqa River Catchment, Lead, Cadmium, and Nickel, Dirasat XIII (2):25-38.
12- Khattari, S.K. 1988. Present and Future of Wastewater Reuse in Jordan. In, Treatment and Reuse of Wastewater, FAO, Betterworths (ed.).London.
13- Khattari, S.K., and K. Jamjoum. 1988. Concentration of Nutrients and Heavy Metals in Soils and Corn Plants Irrigated with Wastewater. Dirasat 15(11):29-44. (in Arabic)
14- Khattari S.K., A.Tell. 1989. Response of Different Genotypes of Barley to Nitrogen Fertilization in Arid Regions. Emirates Jour. Of Agric. Sci. 1:31-43.(in Arabic)
15- Tell A. and S.K.Khattari.1989.Response of Durum Wheat Varieties to Phosphate Fertilizer Under Rainfed Conditions. Mesopotamia. Jour. Of Agric. 21(4): 209-221.
16- Khattari, S.K. and Others. 1989. Effect of Different P Level of the Production of four Wheat Varieties at Mushaggar area in Jordan (250-350 mm Rainfall). Emirates Jour. Of Agric. Sci. 1:15-29. (In Arabic).
17- Khattari, S.K. and Others. 1989. Treated Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture. I. Hussein Medical Center Project. Water Research and Study Center-University of Jordan. Vol. 12:1-50.
18- Khattari, S.K. and Others, 1989. Treated Wastewater Reuse Agriculture II. Queen Alia International Airport Project. Water Research and Study Center. University of Jordan. Vol.
19- Mohsen N., S.K.Khattari, and N. Battikhi. 1989. Effect of Sewage Sludge on corn Yield, Water Consumption and Some Soil Physical Properties .Dirasat. 16 (9) 71-87.
20- Jamjoum, K. and S.K. Khattari. 1989. Effect of Different Sewage Sludge Rates on Yield and Element Content in Corn Plants. Emirates Jour. Of Agric. Sci. Vol.2 (in Arabic).
21- Khattari, S.K. 1990. Heavy Metals in Soils of the Jordan Valley. ( in Arabic) Dirasat Vol.17B, No.3, P 35-48
22- Qoronfeleh, M. S.K.Khattari, A.Tell.1990.Citrus Genotype Pot Size, and Fertilization Effect on the Growth of Different Root Stocks.(in Arabic). Dirasat Vol. 18B, No.2, P 7-27.
23- Khattari, S.K., and A.Tell.1990. Effect of P fertilizer Placement on Barley under Dryland Farming Condition in Jordan. Dirasat Vol. 18B, No.2, P45-53.
24- Khattari, S.K. and A.Tell.1991. Genotype- Location Interaction Effect on P Fertilization of Triticm Durum under Rainfed Conditions. Dirasat, Vol.18B. No.3, P 90-99.
25- Khattari, S.K. and F.Shatat.1994. Effect of Fe and Zn Source, Method of Application, and Rates on Grapevine Yield under Irrigation. For Publication (Dirasat).
26- Khattari, S.K. and A. Tell. 1991. Critical Levels of NaHCO3 Extractable P to Wheat and Barley under Different Soil Water Levels in three Soil Types. Dirasat Vol.20B, No.3, P7-20.
27- Khattari, S.K. 1989. Soil Sampling for Analysis and Fertilizer Recommendations ( in Arabic). Ext.Bul.No. 1/64, University of Jordan.
28- Khattari, S.K. 1989. Plant Sampling for Nutrient Deficiency Determination (in Arabic). Ext.Bul.5/64, University of Jordan.
29- Khattari, S.K.1990. Mixing Compatibility of Leaf Fertilizers and Pest Control Chemicals. ( in Arabic). Ext.Bul.No.3/64, University of Jordan.
30- Khattari, S.K. and Others. 1989. Agriculture Agenda for the Different Crops in Jordan ( in Arabic). University of Jordan.
31- Khattari, S.K. 1991. Intensive Use of Fertilizers under Protected Agriculture in Jordan and its Impact on the Environment (in Arabic). Presented in the Regional Conference on Fertilizer Use and its Impact on Environment. Cairo. Dec.1991.
32- Qasem, J.R., and S.K.Khattari, 1993. Competition between Weeds and their Associated Vegetables Crops. Dirasat, Vol.20B, No.4, P.18-32.
33- Khattari, S.K., and F. Shatat. 1993. Yield and Quality of Vitis Vinefera Salti as Affected by Nitrogen Rates and time of Application. Dirasat. Vol.20B, No.1, P.72-79. 34-
34- Hattar, B., and S.Khattari.1995. The Relationship between Levels of Micro Nutrients in Soils and Plants and the Soil Properties in the Jordan Valley. Dirasat 22 (3).
35- Khattari, S.K. 1999.Phosphorus Levels in Soils of Different Vegetable Crops in Jordan Valley .In the International conference “Plant Nutrient Management under Pressurized Irrigation Systems in the Mediterranean Region”. Amman, 25 - 27 April 1999.
36- Khattari, S. K.; Shatat, Fahmi A., 1996: Response of apple cv. Starkrimson to foliar application of zinc sulfate and zinc chelate. Dirasat Agricultural Sciences. 23(3): 171-176.
37- Khattari, S.K. and F.Shatat. 1996. Effect of Ammonium sulfate Rate, Time, and Method of Application on Yield and Fruit Quality of the Apple cv. Starkrimson. : Dirasat, Agricultural Sciences, 1996, Vol.23 (2): 84 – 88.
38- Deek, I.M, A. M. Battikhi and S.K. Khattari.1997.Effect of Irrigation and N-Fertilization (Fertigation) Scheduling on Tomato in the Jordan Valley. Jour. Agronomy and Crop Science Vol. 178, 4:193–259.
39- Khattari, S. and A. Tell, 1988. Response of wheat varieties to P fertilizers under a wide range of rainfall. In: P.W. Unger, T.V. Sneed, W.R. Jordan and R. Jensen (Eds.). Challenges in Dryland Agriculture. Proc. Int. Conf. Dryland Farming, pp. 429–31.
40- Battikhi, A., B.Snobar and S.K.Khattari.2011.Effect of Tillage Systems and Wheat Residue Management Methods under Different Crop Rotations on Soil Moisture Storage and Crop Yield in 3 Rainfed Areas of Jordan. Jordan Jour. Agricultural Sciences. Vol .7
41- Khattari, S.K., B.Snobar, A. Battikhi, M.Pala, and N.Katkhuda.2011. Wheat, Lentil and Vetch Yield in Three Crop Rotations under Different Tillage, Crop Residue Management and Nitrogen Fertilization in Mushagar. Jordan Jour. Agricultural Sciences .Vol.
42- Snobar, B., S.K.Khattari, A.Battikhi, M.Pala, and N.Katkhuda.2011. Effect of Tillage, Nitrogen Fertilization and Crop Residue Management on Wheat and Lentil yield Under Three Course Rotation in Semi –Arid Regions of Jordan. Jordan Jour. Agricultural
43- Qasem J.R. and S.K. Khattari .1993. Competition on nutrients between weeds and their associated vegetable crops. Dirasat Series B Pure and Applied Sciences 20, 18-32.
44- Haddadin, M.S., S.K.Khattari, D.Caretto and R.K.Robenson.2001.Potential intake of selenium by the inhabitants of different regions in Jordan .Nutrition & Food Science 31(5):230-233.
45- Haddadin, M.S., S. Khattari, D. Caretto and R.K.Robinson.2002.Potential Intake of Lithium by the Inhabitants of Different Regions in Jordan. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 1 (1): 39-40.
46- Abdulhadi, N.K., W.I. Abu-Gharbieh and S. Khattari. 1997. Effect of organic amendments, soil solarization, and their interaction on soilborne microorganisms and yield of plastic house cucumber. Second International Conference on Soil Solarization and
47- Abdelrazzag, A., S. Abbadi and S.Khattari.2002 Rangeland Reserves Effect on Rehabilitation and Herbage Production in Southern Jordan. Mu tah Lil-buhuth wad-irasat. Vol.17.No.2: 11-18.
48- Khattari, S.K. 1993. RPG member- Rainfed Agriculture. Agricultural Policy Analysis. Phase I. Jordan Agricultural Sector Review: September 1993, Technical Report No. 132, Volume VI.
49- Mustafa, M., A. Hatough, S.Khattari, K. Mashaal and A. Saadeh.1997.Environmental Behavior of Crop protection Chemicals. Proceedings of International Symposium by I A E A and FAO. Vienna.
50- Al-Hafeth, M., S.Khattari and A.Abu-Awwad.2009.Options for reusing Treated Wastewater in Jordan Valley –King Abdullah Canal. Pp.664-683. in Water a; Values and Rights .ed. C.Messerschmit, L.El-Jazairi, and A. Al Haj Dauod .Palestine Academy Press.
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