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 | | Dr. Majeda Omar & Dr. Numan Shehadeh | Proceedings of The World International Conference on Technology Support Education (WICTE - 2010) | | American University of Science & Technology (AUST), Beirut | Forthcoming |
| | Dr. Majeda Omar | "Can Science Dispense With Religion?"
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 | | | Damascus University Journal for the Arts and Humanities | Vol. 28, No. 1, 33-54. | | 2012 |
 | | | Mu'tah Lil-Buhuth wad-Dirasat, Humanities and Social Sciences series | Vol. 27, No5, 59-74. | | 2012 |
| | أ. د. نعمان شحادة ود. ماجدة عمر | | العدد 4، ص 86 - ص 100 | الجمعية الأردنية للبحث العلمي | 2012 |
 | | | Encyclopedia of Global Religion, Mark Juergensmeyer & W. C. Roof, Editors.
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 | | | Encyclopedia of Global Religion, Mark Juergensmeyer & W. C. Roof, Editors.
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 | | | Encyclopedia of Global Religion, Mark Juergensmeyer & W. C. Roof, Editors.
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 | | | Proceedings of the Third International Conference “Connections and Ruptures: America and the Middle East” | pp. 395-400 | American University of Beirut | 2011 |
 | | | Arab Journal for the Humanities | Vol. 28, No. 112, pp. 237-257 | Academic Publication Council, University of Kuwait | 2010 |
 | | د. مصلح النجار ود. ماجدة عمر | | العدد 2، ص 71- ص 76 | الجمعية الأردنية للبحث العلمي | 2010 |
 | | | Process Thought | vol. 12, pp. 123-138 | | 2007 |
 | | | Proceedings of the American Studies Regional Conference: “Developing American Studies at Arab Universities: Resources, Research and Outreach
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 | | | Truth and its Nature (if any), edited by Jaroslav Peregrin
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 | | | Philosophy in Review/ Comptes rendus philosophiques | Vol. XVIII, No. 1, pp. 65-67. | Alberta: Academic Printing & Publishing. | 1998 |
 | | | The Role of Pragmatics in Contemporary Philosophy: Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Paul Weingartner, Gerhard Schurz and Georg Dorn (eds.) | Vol. VI, pp. 734-739. | The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria. | 1997 |
 | | | The Nature of Truth (if any): Proceedings of the International Colloquium, Prague, 17-20 September 1996. | pp. 203- 215. | Filosofia: The Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Praha. | 1997 |