| | This course deals with the desirable and undesirable uses, and safety evaluation of food additives. It also deals with the different classes of food additives with respect to chemical and physical nature, mode of action, and regulations concerning their uses. | fourth year |
 | | Unit operation aspects such as material and energy balances, fluid flow theory, viscosity, heat transfer, evaporation, dehydration, freeze drying, mechanical separation, mixing, size reduction and extraction, cleaning, grading, handling and waste treatment | third year |
| | This course will cover the importance of sensory evaluation of food in research and development as well as quality control purposes; the preparation and proper conditions needed for conducting the sensory evaluation tests. The different methods used in the sensory evaluation as well as the statistical analysis of the results will also be included. In the practical part of this course, sensory evaluation tests will be performed on selected local fresh and/or processed foods including some traditional foods. | fourth year |
 | | Introduction to the concept of food hygiene and its importance. Epidemiology of foodborne illnesses. Hazards associated with foods. Hygiene requirements in food production and harvesting areas and in food establishments, with emphasis on design and construction and hygienic food handling, processing and storage and prevention of cross contamination. Personal hygiene and health requirements, cleaning and disinfection and pest control. Application of hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) system in food establishments and principles of risk assessment are explained. | fourth year |
| | Main definitions and principles of food science and technology; the composition of foods and their role in food processing; the influence of processing on food attributes; causes of food spoilage and an introduction to the principles of food preservation methods. | second year |
| | The course introduces the students to the basic concepts of cereal science and technology with emphasis on wheat products. It covers the major cereals with respect to their utilization, composition, and importance as foods. The course also deals with the chemical and physical properties of wheat, the technology of dry milling, and the production of the most common cereal products. Laboratory exercises, and field visits are intended to enforce the material covered in the lectures. | MSc |
 | | This course covers the basic concepts of food quality control and its importance in the food industry. The course also discusses the development of quality control systems, food quality parameters and its evaluation. The course also focuses on the importance of statistical tools used in applying quality management systems such as sampling and uses of charts. The course also deals with the structure, management and functions of quality control systems on industrial and regulatory scales. | fourth year |
| | After completing this course the student should be able to perform the following tasks in the area of food technology:
1- Design an experiment. 2- Use scientific approach in solving a problem. 3- Know how and where to look up references for practical work.
4- Conduct a simple research project on his own . 5- Analyze and interpret the results of an experiment.
6- Write a scientific paper or project report. 7- Present a report to the public. 8- Collaborate with others in team work. | fourth year |
| | Training of the students to collect information on a certain subject in an area of specialization (Food Science and Technoloyg) from different sources; presentation and discussion of the subject. | MSc |
 | | Principles and applications of ISO 9000, HACCP, risk analysis and good manufacturing practice, as well as other quality management systems. The practical part includes field visits and case studies. | fourth year |
| | Introduction to the nutrients with respect to classification, dietary sources, functions and body requirements. The course also deals with the concept of balanced diet and provides an introduction to types and causes of food spoilage, food preservation and food-borne diseases. | third year |