| | تغطي هذه المادة مواضيع تتعلق بتطور وتنمية الزراعة وأهميتها عالميا وعربيا ومحليا، المناخ الزراعي، عناصر الإنتاج النباتي في المناطق المطرية والمروية، الإنتاج الحيواني، تسويق المنتجات الزراعية، المكننة الزراعية، المؤسسات العاملة في القطاع الزراعي في الأردن، خطط التنمية الزراعية في الأردن وأثر هذه الخطط على القطاع الزراعي الأردني.
This course deals with the development and importance of agriculture in the world, Arab world and in Jordan. The course also covers the agricultural environment in Jordan, elements of production, plant production in dry land and irrigated areas, animal production, marketing of agricultural products, mechanization in agriculture, and finally the different organization dealing with agricultural activities in Jordan. Agricultural development plans and their effect on the agricultural sector in Jordan | 1 | | | This course deals with the development and importance of agriculture in the world, Arab world and in Jordan. The course also covers the agricultural environment in Jordan, elements of production, plant production in dry land and irrigated areas, animal production, marketing of agricultural products, mechanization in agriculture, and finally the different organization dealing with agricultural activities in Jordan. Agricultural development plans and their effect on the agricultural sector in Jordan
| 2 | | | مقدمة تاريخية في علم الحراج،علم دراسة الأشجار الحرجية ،الأنواع الملائمة في الأردن، علم البيئة الحرجية وتأثير العوامل البيئية في نمو وتطور الغابات، إنشاء وإدارة الغابات،دور الغابات في التنمية المستدامة،النظم الزراعية الحرجية المشتركة،مبادئ تطوير وتنمية الغابات،إنشاء مصدّات وأحزمة الوقاية من الرياح0 حماية ، قياس ،وحصاد الغابات و الغابات في الأردن0 Introduction, influences of forestry science, dendrology and forest trees classification. Forest ecology, ecological factors
and their influences on forest growth and development. Afforestation and Forest management. Role of forestry in sustainable development. Agro-forestry systems. Windbreak and shelter belt plantings. Forest protection, measurement and harvesting. Forests and afforestation in Jordan. | 3 | | | Role of forestry in sustainable development of arid regions, establishment and management of forest plantation in arid land regions, fuel wood management, agroforestry practices, windbreak and shelterbelt plantings, and erosion and vegetative control. | 4 | | | Training of the student on collecting proper information on specific subject on area of specialization from different sources, presentation and discussion.
| 4 | | | Silviculture and its place in forestry, structure of forest stands and the forest, tending and intermediate cutting, methods of thinning,application and their effect on growth and yield, regeneration,ecology of regeneration, preparation and treatment of the site, choice of species. And genetic improvement, silvicultural systems and methods of reproduction. | M.Sc Course | | | Training of the student on collecting proper information on specific subject on area of specialization from different sources, presentation and discussion.
| M.Sc Couse | | | This course covers forestry as a system, forest ecosystem,services of the forest, managing timber resources, recreation services, aesthetic values, forest wildlife, and multiple services for rural communities, It also covers methods of protection .
| ph.D Course |