| | This course intends to provide the students a strategic managerial perspective regarding some related issues as the roles of information systems in the overall strategy and management of organizations; organization management; Information resources: Personnel, planning and control, technological trends, management implications, managing MIS departments; outflow of information; documents generation and distribution; team management; and important issues. | 2012/2013 2013/2014 | | | This course mainly intends to provide an introduction to the information systems development process, that includes an overview of the system analysis, design and implementation techniques. One of the various objectives of this course is to develop a real world information system. Also this course aims to provide the necessary background and sharpen the skills related to planning and conducting the systems analysis process. There will be various practical activities related to the development process of the information systems as planning, data gathering and analysis, conducting feasibility study, creating different standard diagrams and models as data flow diagrams, designing databases, designing proper user interfaces, interviewing managers and system users, performing some mini reverse engineering projects, and others. To gain the maximum value of the course there will be groups working on cases regularly and provide standard and structured reports. | 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 | | | [5402354]
This course is an introduction to electronic business (electronic business enablers). It will build the core knowledge for the main concepts, technologies and tools related to e-Business, then to use this knowledge and apply it directly to make entrepreneurial e-business plan along with an e-Commerce websites that represents alive demonstration of the selected business model. The course will cover different electronic transactions that encompases business, government and customers. It will also provide and introduction to various related topics as electronic marketing, consumer behaviour models and up to date advancements. However, students are expected to apply and acquire the knowledge and skills in this area through weekly practice in the lab. | 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 | | |
This course intends to define what might quality mean, what definitions there are for it and how they are used. Depending on the purpose and perspective the course provides a practical introduction to the field of quality, the history behind it, the main contributors, the main standards, quality awards, statistical tools used to measure different variables or attributes to control the performance, what might be included in a quality plan, how to improve the quality, and how to assure it. | 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 | | | The course is about designing, building, and programming graphical user interfaces, Human-centered software evaluation, Human-centered software development, HCI aspects of multimedia systems and Web-based systems, these topics are presented as an introduction to human-computer interaction. Emphasis will be placed on understanding human behavior with interactive objects, knowing how to develop and evaluate interactive software using a human-centered approach, and general knowledge of HCI design issues with multiple types of interactive software. | 2011/2012 2013/2014 | | | Project includes theoretical and practical aspects in Computer Information Systems, related to the current problems and applications in IT, Research oriented, technical report, and presentation. Weekly practice in the lab. | 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 | | | [5401321]
This course aims to provide the students with an overview of database management systems architecture and environments, an understanding of basic database design and implementation techniques, and practical experience of designing and building a relational database. Also this course is to let students be able to discuss/explain the importance of data, the difference between file management systems and database management systems. In addition, it enables applying conceptual design methodologies for databases, learning about architecture and environments of database management systems (in particular the Ansi-Sparc model). It also enables students to design and evaluate suitable security and integrity levels for database schemas. This course requires a practical work, which is assessed by producing individual and group small projects.
| 2012/2013 | | | [5402252] (Business Processes and ERP Systems)
This course focuses on specific applications of electronic systems and how they serve the different business processes. The students will have a holistic view of the end-to-end integrated business processes with more focus on manufacturing organizations. It will also give a solid background in modern process-centric enterprise systems and their capabilities: computer aided manufacturing (CAM), computer aided design (CAD), material requirements planning (MRP), master production schedule (MPS), capacity requirements planning (MRP), production activity control (PAC), computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) and flexible manufacturing systems (FMS). However, students are expected to apply the knowledge and skills in this area through weekly practice in the lab.
| 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 | | | This course focuses on identifying ethical problems, reaching decisions, legal constraints, professional organization and codes of conduct. It also emphasises the ethical, social, political, legal and economic aspects of the use of electronic systems. Students will have solid knowledge of customer rights, copyrights, ownership, protocols, agreements, security, privacy, ethical implications of internet use, computer crimes and ethical guidelines of electronic-based activities and concerns. However, students are expected to acquire knowledge and skills in this area through weekly practice in the lab. | 2012/2013 | | | Background: Binary numbering system: representing information in digital systems, binary codes; Boolean Algebra: logic operations, corresponding logic diagrams, logic gates, charactersittics of integrated circuites; simplification of Boolean expression; Algebraic simplification, Karnaugh Map (map mthod); Combinational Circuites & Sequential Circuits: Analysis, Design; Basic components of Digital Systems: Address, Code Converters, Decoders, Encoders, Flip-Flops.
Objectives: The main objective of digital logic course is to introduce the basic treatment of digital circuites and fundamental concepts used in their design
| 2011/2012 | | | Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and information age; Geographic data in the computer; What does GIS do: Spatial data; Raster and Vector Data; Topology and spatial relationships; Data entry and data acquisition; Database and inventory operations; Basic analysis (overall map algebra); Advanced analysis (proximity and terrain analysis); Site suitability and models; Data issues and problems; GIS software systems; Applications. Weekly practice in the lab. | 2012/2013 | | | This course is an introduction to algorithms theory, it intends to provide an understanding of the main concepts used in defining, analyzing and designing computer algorithms. The course activities and materials are to give an overview of the techniques used, mathematical proofs, testing methods, different types of computer algorithms used to solve different types of problems, and mostly how to be able to recognize and represent the algorithms according to specific criteria and cost factors. | 2011/2012 2012/2013 | | | [5402483] This is an advanced course in analyzing specific business requirements. The students will develop various reports and analysis summaries based on real-world cases. They will use different analysis and documentation tools to translate the business requirements into a complete repository of system description and design. The students will develop and conduct real-world interviews, surveys, data gathering and presentations. The student will play the system analyst role. However, students are expected to apply and acquire the knowledge and skills in this area through weekly practice in the lab.
| 2013/2014 2014/2015 | | | Techniques of digital image processing. Processing in the image and spatial frequency domains .Fourier and other transforms. Continuous and discrete convolution and filtering .Gray level transforms. Feature identification. mage encoding .Image enhancement .Application to models of human and machine vision . Case study. | 2014/2015 |