| | Nabeel Tawalbeh
Electrical Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering &Technology
University of Jordan
Email: ntawalbeh@ju.edu.jo
Reyad El-Khazali
Khalifa University of Science,
Technology, and Research
Email: khazali@kustar.ac.ae
| MELECON 2012
The 16th IEEE Mideterranean
Electrotechnical Conference | Medina Yasmine Hammamet Tunisia , | 25-28 March 2012 | Lecturer | |
| | | MELECON 2012
The 16th IEEE Mediterranean
Electrotechnical Conference
| Medina Yasmine Hammamet Tunisia , | 25-28 March 2012 | Participant | |
| | El-Khazali Reyad, Memon Z. A., Tawalbeh Nabeel | 4TH IFAC WORKSHOP ON FRACTIONAL DIFFERENTIATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS (FDA’10), Badajoz | Badajoz, Spain | 2010 | Participant | |
| | Tawalbeh Nabeel I., Agha Ayman | The European Multidisciplinary Society for Modeling and Simulation Technology (ESM’07), | St.Julians, Malta | 2007 | Participant | |
| | Agha Ayman, Tawalbeh Nabeel I., | Int. Conf. ARAB CIGRE 2007 Conference | Amman-Jordan | 2007 | Participant | |
| | Tawalbeh Nabeel I., Agha Ayman | 7th Middle Eastern Simulation Multiconference | Porto-Portugal | 2005 | Participant | |
 | | Tawalbeh Nabeel I., Nuseirat A.M. Al-Fahed, and Bashir Afaneh | Int. Conf.: Sciences of electronics, Technology of Information and Telecommunication (SETIT'2005) | Susa - TUNISIA | 2005 | Participant | |
| | | Second International Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices SDD'03 | Tunis- Soussa | 2003 | Participant | |
| | | Distributed Energy Storage For Power Systems - Selected Problems, EU-Project DISS-ICOP-2140, ISBN3-89653-336-3, pp 65
| Germany | 1998 | Participant | |
| | Nazarko Joanicjusz, Broadwater Robert P., Tawalbeh Nabeel I | Electrotechnical Conference, 1998, MELECON 98, 9th Mediterian | MELECON | 1998 | Participant | |
| | Tawalbeh Nabeel I., Nazarko Joanicujsz,. AL-Tallaq Kamel | | Jordan | 1998 | Participant | |
| | | Second Workshop on Intelligent Computation & Simulation in Planning and Operation of Power Systems. EU Project PL-962140. | Russia | 1997 | Participant | |
| | | Proceedings of VIII International Conference on Present-Day Problems of Power Engineering | Gdansk | 1997 | Participant | |
| | | Scientific Symposium on Expert Systems, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Sets in Electrical Power Engineering | Bialystok | 1995 | Participant | |
| | Reyad El-Khazali, Nabeel Tawalbeh | 5TH IFAC WORKSHOP ON FRACTIONAL DIFFERENTIATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS (FDA’12), (FDA’12), | , Hohai University, Nanjing, China | | Participant | May 14-17 2012 |