Personal Information:
§Date of birth : 1st july 1945
§Place of birth : Baghdad. Iraq
§Nationality : Iraqi
§Race : Arabic
§Religion : Moslem
§Marital Status : Married with two daughters
§1951 - 1957 : primary school.
§1957 - 1 960 : intermediate school.
§1960 - 1962 : high school.
§Jun. 1968 : M.B. CH.B Baghdad University
§July 1976 : ( D.P.M), London.
§Jan .1977 : M.R.C. Psych. London
§Feb. 2003 : F.R.C. Psych. London
§Sept. l968- Sept. 1970 : General practice in military hospitals (national service)
§ Nov. 1970-Dec1971 : Internship in medicine, sorgery , pediatric and gynecology in leaching hospitals in Baghdad .
§ Dec 1971 - Dec 1972 : General practice In a district hospital .
§ Dec. 1972 Sept 1974 : Registrar in psychiatry in Ibn-Rushd psychiatric teaching hospital in Baghdad .
§ Sept. 1974-Dec 1975 : Full time course in the Institute of psychiatry in London. Clinical assistant in psychiatry in the Maudsely and Bethlam Royal hospital , in general psychiatry, adolescent and personality disorder under the consul tan (ship of Prof. R. I-1 Cawley , for one year and four month in organic psychiatry and epilepsy under the consullantship of Prof. Fenton .
§ Dec.1975-Dec1976 : 3rd year registrar in psychiatry in Banstead psychiatric hospital in Surry . Under the consullantship of Dr. Richmond .
§ Dec.1976-Dec.1977 : 4th year registrar in psychiatry in St. Marry Abbots hospital London SW7 Under the comsultantship of Dr. Peter Rhode and Dr. de, Maubery.
§ Feb. 1977 : consultant of psychiatry in AI-yarmouk teaching hospital and senior lecturer in psychiatry in the college of Medicine Al Mustansirya university in Baghdad .
§ Feb.1982-Aug1989 :chief consultant and head of the department of psychiatry in Al-yarmouk teaching hospital
§ Sept.1987-Sept.1991 : Registrar of the Iraqi Board for post graduate study in psychiatry .
§ Sept. 1991-Jan.1993 : Elected President of the Iraqi Board for post graduate study in psychiatry in the Iraqi Commission for Medical post graduate studies and still am active member in the Board .
- - President or a member of many exam committees for postgraduate psychiatry and other medical degree.
- - Supervisor Of 20 thesis’s for postgraduate students in psychiatry .
-1978 -1994 member of the consultant committee for the development of psychiatry in the Ministry of Health .
- - Clinical totour of postgraduate studies in psychiatry ( Iraqi and Arab Board ) in tile college of Medicine in Al-Mustansirya University .
§ Feb. 1989 : Assistant Prof. in psychiatry college of Medicine AI-Mustansirya University , Baghdad .
§ 1991-1995 : Secretary of Iraqi Association tin psychiatrists, neurologists and neurosurgeons.
§ 1990 : member of editorial board of the Iraqi Medical Journal .
§ 1993 : member of the General Arab Board of postgraduate study in psychiatry .
§ Feb. 1995 : Professor of psychiatry , Medical college of Al - Mustansirya University Baghdad .
§ Sept.1996-Sept.1999 : Head of department of Medicine , college of Medicine , AI- Mustansirya University , Baghdad .
§ April 1997 : Elected Vice President of the Arab Board of Psychiatry.
§ June.2003-Feb.2005 : Dean of the collage of medicine Al-Mustansraya University – Baghdad.
§ Dec. 2004-2008 : President of the Arab board of psychiatry.
§ Feb. 2005 -2007 : President of the Iraqi board of psychiatry.
- july 2006 : Prof. of psychaiatry colloge of Medicin in the University of Jordan