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المفاهيم الأساسية في التغذية ، العناصر الغذائية وما يجري عليها من تحولات بيوكيميائية داخل الجسم الحي ، وعلاقة بعضها مع بعض في عمليات التمثيل الغذائي، مقارنة مصير العناصر الغذائية المختلفة والطاقة المتولدة عنها في الجسم والمشكلات الناتجة عن سوء التغذية .
second year
This course aims to provide students the concepts of diseases in plants, symptoms
caused by plant pathogens, plant disease epidemiology, how pathogens attack pants,
how plants defend themselves against pathogens and examples of plant diseases
caused by fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses and parasitic higher plants. Plant
diseases management will be discussed
This course focuses on plant structure, classification, growth, reproduction and
utilization of cultivated plants. Methods to illustrate these areas include, plant
identification and nomenclature, plant propagation in general, vegetative and
reproductive growth, and development. Soil and water management, land preparation.
The discussion includes information on photosynthesis, respiration and translocation,
and factors affecting plant growth and development including climatic influences on
crop production
first year
Applications in food production and preparation, and meal planning in various institutions.
Training in processing of various foods including traditional foods at both industrial and
home levels.
third year