(Lecturer) "How to Make an Effective Presentation: The Role of Body Language" Young Women's Christian Association. April 1st, 2003 Amman – Jordan
(Lecturer) "Your Body Speaks: The Importance of non- verbal Communication" The University of Jordan in Cooperation with USAID" INJAZ" Program, May 11th, 2003 Amman – Jordan.
(Lecturer) "The Role of Body Language in Inter-personal Communication" Inner Wheel Club Amman – Jordan, December 2, 2003.
(Lecturer) "The Role of Body Language in Inter-personal Communication" Inner Wheel Club Jarash – Jordan, October 11, 2003.
(Lecturer) "How to Make an Effective Presentation: The Role of Body Language" Young Women's Christian Association. June 3, 2004 Amman – Jordan
(Lecturer) “Your Body Speaks louder than your Words". Young Women's Christian Association. Nov 14, 2005 Amman – Jordan.
(Lecturer) “ Enhance your Communication Skills”. Jordanian Orthodox Club. June 12, 2007. Amman – Jordan.