| | B.Sc. level
Basic principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Thermodynamics concepts and definitions. Properties of pure substances, First law of thermodynamics. System and control volume analyses. Second law of hermodynamics. Basic principles of fluid mechanics. Fluid statics. Conservation laws. Energy equations. Flow in pipes. Heat transfer modes. Conduction, convection and radiation. | 2008/2009 |
| | M.Sc. Level
Mathematical preliminaries, numerical errors and, loss of significance and error propagation. Numerical solution of nonlinear algebraic equations, Review of linear algebra (Solution of systems of linear equations). Numerical solutions of systems of linear and non-linear algebraic equations. Interpolation and approximation and curve fitting. Numerical differentiation and integration. Numerical solution of differential equations. Eigen value problems. Introduction to numerical solution of partial differential equation. Applied examples from various areas of engineering. | 2008/2009 |
| | M.Sc. Level
Energy classification, sources and utilization; Energy growth and economics; Fossil-Fuel Systems and combustion in steam power plants. Steam generators. Boiler rating and performance. Environmental aspects of thermal power plants. Overview on renew-able energy sources with emphasis on solar and wind energy systems. Introduction to direct energy conversion systems; Thermoelectric, photovoltaic and thermionic converters. Energy torage. | 2009/2010 |
| | Ph.D. Level
Basic concepts in turbulent flow: statistical descriptions of turbulence. Isotropic turbulence. Homogeneous, shear flow turbulence. Free turbulent shear flows. Wall turbulent shear flows. Principles of methods and techniques in the measurement of turbulent flows. Turbulence modeling. | 2009/2010 |
| | Ph.D. Level
Variables and stream function-vorticity formulations. Numerical solution of N-S and Energy equations employing direct finite differencing and control volume approaches. Solution algorithms for elliptic N-S equations using commercial and non-commercial CFD software. Solution algorithms for parabolic boundary layer equations. Introduction to turbulence models and numerical solution of turbulent flows. Inviscid flow computational methods ( Panel and Von Karman ). | 2008/2009 |
| | M.Sc. Level
Introductory concepts. Hydrostatics. Kinematics of fluid motion. Conservation of mass. Introduction to inviscid flow. Momentum theorems. Introduction to viscous flow. The Navies - Stokes equation. Similitude, scaling, dimensional Analysis and modeling . Inertial free flows at low Reynolds number. Boundary layers. Turbulence. vorticity, circulation. Potential flows. | 2009/2010 |
| | B.Sc. Level
Introduction, Fluid properties, Basic units. Fluid statics, Pressure and its measurements, Forces on plane and curved submerged surfaces, buoyancy & floatation, Fluids in motion, Flow kinematics and visualization, Basic control volume approach, Differential and integral continuity equation. Pressure variation in flowing fluids, Euler’s and Bernoulli’s equations, Applications of Bernoulli equation. Momentum principle and its applications, Navier-Stokes equations. Energy equation, Hydraulic and energy grade lines. Dimensional analysis and similitude. Surface resistance and introduction to boundary layer theory. Flow in conduits, laminar and turbulent flows, Frictional and minor losses, Piping systems. | 2009/2010 |