Personal Data:
- Birth Date/Place: March 10,1944, Madaba, Jordan.
- Marital Status: Married, with 2 children.
- Nationality: Jordanian.
- Languages: Arabic, Persian and English Fluency.
- Ph.D., Department of Philosophy, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran, 1980.
- M.A., Department of Philosophy, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran, 1973.
- B.A., Department of Philosophy and Sociology, Damascus University, Damascus, Syria, 1968.
Doctoral Thesis :
- Eternal Truths in Cartesian and Islamic Philosophy.
Speciality :
- Comparative Philosophy and Islamic Philosophy.
Academic Experience:
Professor Emeritus
Professor |
Department of Philosophy,
University of Jordan,
June 2014 -
Department of Philosophy,
University of Jordan,
April 1994 - June 2014.
Associate Professor |
Department of Philosophy,
University of Jordan,
July 1986 - 1994.
Visiting Faculty |
Department of Near Eastern
Studies, Princeton University,
Spring 1993. |
Visiting Scholar |
Department of Near Eastern Studies, Harvard University, 1987 - 1988.
Assistant Professor |
Department of Philosophy,
University of Jordan,
March 1981 - July 1986.
Lecturer |
Department of Philosophy,
University of Jordan,
Oct. 1980 - March 1981.
Teaching Assistant |
Department of Arabic Language and Literature,
Tehran University,
1973 - 1976.
Professional Experience:
Member, Council of Trustees
Member, Council of Trustees |
Amman National University, 2013 -
Interim Committee of the Islamic Charity Center, April. 2007 - Oct. 2012.
Yarmouk University, Jordan
Dec. 2009 - Sept. 2010.
Member and vice president of the council of trustees |
Jadara University, 2005 - 2008.
Jordan Journal of Social Sciences, Jan. 2007 -
Member, Council of Trustees
The Jordanian Center For Human Rights, 2005 - 2007
President |
AL al-Bayt University, Aug. 2001-Dec. 2004
Vice President for Administrative Affairs
University of Jordan, Oct. 1998 - Aug. 2001.
Member, Council of Trustees |
Yarmouk University, Jordan
Aug. 1998 - Sept. 2001.
Dean |
Students' Affairs,
University of Jordan,
May 1996 - Dec. 1998.
Dean |
Students' Affairs,
Al al-Bayt University,
1994 - 1995.
Editor-in-Chief |
ALMANARAH, Learned Journal,
Al al-Bayt University,
1995 - 1999.
Chairman |
Department of Philosophy,
University of Jordan,
Sep. 1986 - 1987 also
Sep. 1990 - 1996. |
Societies, Committees and Councils:
- Member of the Arab Philosophical Society, and Member of its Board, 1983 -
- Member of the Union of the Jordanian Writers, 1988 -
- Member of the Council of the Faculty of Arts, University of Jordan, (many years).
- Member of the Committee on Graduate Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Jordan, (many years).
- Member of the National Team Supervising the Development of the Curriculum, Ministry of Education, 1991-1993.
- Member of the Jordanian - Spanish Committee, 2000 –
- Member of the Committees of the University of Jordan.
- Member of the Council of Trustees, Yarmouk University, 1998 - 2001.
- Member of the Council of Higher Education, Jordan, 2001 - 2004.
- Member of the Academic Committee, Ministry of Higher Education, Jordan, 2001 - 2004.
- Member of the Council of Trustees, National Center for Human Rights, Jordan, 2005 - 2007.
- Member and Vice President of the Council of Trustees, Jadara University, 2005 - 2008.
- Member of Trustees, Yarmouk University, 2009 - 2010.
- Member of the Jury, Abdul Hameed
Shoman's Prize for Young Arab Researchers, 2011, Jordan
Member of Trustees, Amman
National University, 2013 –
- Member of the Jury, State Prize for Kuwaiti
Researchers in Social and Human Sciences, 2014, Kuwait.