| | Raed Khalil, Salem Yasin, Maeweih Hamad, Ahmad Sharieh, Ahmed Al-Jaber | Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences | Vol. 1, No. 2, pp 73-76 | | Mar-2008 |
| | Hebatullah Khattab, Basel A. Mahafzah, and Ahmad Sharieh | Neural Computing and Applications | Volume 34, issue 10. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-022-07262-w | Springer | 2022 |
| | Mariam Triq
Wafa Dbabat
Ahmad Sharieh | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology | , Vol. 53, No.3, Pp. 392-400 | | 2013 |
| | R. Bremanath,
Ahmad Sharieh | International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) pp. 1-8. | , Vol. 2, No. 11, pp 1-8 | | 2011, |
| | Ahmad Sharieh
and R Bremananth | World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology | 60 , pp.1574-1580. | | 2011 |
| | Rana Yousef,
Mohammad Odeh,
David Coward,
Ahmad Sharieh | International Journal of Web Applications | Volume 3 Number 4 , pp. 187-196. | | 2011 |
| | Rana Yousef,
Mohammad Odeh,
David Coward,
Ahmad Sharieh | Productive_sSearch IEEE by SLR | | | 2011 |
| | Rafai M. ,
Sharieh A.,
Alshammeri F | The International Arab Journal of Information Technology (IAJIT) | Vol. 7, No. 2 | | 2010. |
| | Ahmad Sharieh,
Iman Mustafa,
Nadim Obied | European Journal of Scientific Research | Vol. 30, issue 1, pp. 6-25. | | 2009 |
 | | Ahmad Sharieh, Mohammad Qatawneh, Wesam Almobaideen, Azzam Sleit | European Journal of Scientific Research | | | 2008 |
 | | Ahmad Sharieh, Mariam Itriq, Wafa Dbabat | American Journal of Applied Sciences | Vol. 5, No. 7, pp. 829-834. | | 2008 |
| | Ahmad Sharieh, Wagdi Al-Rawagepfeh, Mohammad Mahafzah, Ayman Al Dahamsheh | European Journal of Scientific Research | Vol. 23, No. 4, pp 586-596. | | 2008 |
 | | | | Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 145-155. | | 2007 |
 | | B. Al-Diri, A. Sharieh, M. Qutiashat | Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition | | | 2007 |
 | | Mohd Belal Al-zoubi, Ahmad Sharieh, Nedal Al-Hanbali, Ali Al-Dah-oud | Journal of Computer Science, special issue, pp. 80-83 | special issue, pp. 80-83. | | 2005 |
| | Mourtaga, E., Moussa , Aballah, A. Sharieh, S. Serhan | Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition | Vol. 48, No. 5, pp.43-58. | | 2005 |
| | Mamdouh A. Al-Saidah, Ahmad Sharieh, and Ahmed Aljaber | Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition | Vol. 47, No.3, pp.25-46. | | 2004 |
 | | Diri, Bashir, Ahmad Sharieh, Taghread Hudaib | DIRASAT | Vol. 31, No. 2, pp 208-219. | | 2004 |
| | S. Manaseer, F. A. Masooud, A. A. Sharieh | Transaction On Engineering, Computing and Technology | Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.191-194. | | 2004 |
| | Muhammad Al-Shridah and Ahmad Sharieh | Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition | Vol. 45, No. 1, pp1-20 | | 2002 |
| | Al-Majali, S., Sharieh, A. and Qutaisha | Signal, Informaion, Patterns, Data Acquisition Transmission , Processing, and Classification | Vol. 44, No., pp1-16 | | 2001 |
 | | Ahmed Al-Jaber and Ahmad Sharieh | DIRASAT | Vol 27, No1., pp 74-90 | | 2000 |
| | Ahmad Sharieh | Damascus Journal for Basic Sciences | Vol. 14, No. 1, pp119-133 | | 1998 |
| | أحمد الشرايعة | مجلة أبحاث الحاسوب، | المجلد الثاني ، العدد الأول، ص5-18. | | 1998 |
| | أحمد الشرايعة | مجلة أبحاث الحاسوب، | المجلد الثاني ، العدد الأول، ص5-18 | | 1998 |
| | أحمد الشرايعة | المجلة العربية للتعليم التقني، | المجلد 15، العدد 1، ص: 9-13 | | 1998 |
| | Ahmad Sharieh | The Egyptian Computer Journal | Vol. 25, No.2, pp84-101 | | 1997 |
| | Ahmad Sharieh, Azzam Al-Dari, and Munib Qutaishat | DATABASE and EXPERT SYSTEMS, Vol. II, Ed. George E. Lasker, International Institute for Advanced Studies in System Research and Cybernetics.
| Vol. II, Ed. | | 1995 |
| | Abdel Latif Abu Dallhoum, Mohammaed Al-Rawi,, Ahmad Al Sharieh, Ayman M. Najjar, Maen Najjar, S. Shayreh, | WSEAS TRANSACTION ON SYSTEMS | Issue 10, Volume 7, pp. 1058-1069. | | Oct. 2008, |
| | Abdel Latif Abu Dallhoum,
Mohammaed Al-Rawi,
Ahmad Al Sharieh | WSEAS TRANSACTION ON SYSTEMS | Issue 10, Volume 7, pp. 1058-1069. | | Oct. 2008 |
| | Ahmad Sharieh and Khair Eddin Sabri, | ABHATH AL-YARMOUK: Basic Sci. and Eng. | Vol. 17, No. 2, pp489-502 | | 2008 |