1. Personal Data:
Date of Birth : 1949
Place of Birth : Halhul
Nationality : Jordanian
Marital Status : Married with one child
Address : Dept. of Mathematics, Jordan University,
Faculty of Science, Amman-Jordan
Tel. No. : 00962 6 5355000 Ext. 2907 (Office),
00962 6 5152769 (Home)
Mobile No. : 00962 77 499206
Fax No. : 00962 6 5348932
2. Academic Qualifications:
1. Highest degree attained: Ph.D. Degree
2. Major field of specialization: Mathematics.
3. Special field of specialization for Ph.D. : Topology.
4. Language of study and research: English.
5. Institute issuing degree: State University of N. Y. at Buffalo, N. Y., U.S.A.
6. Date degree conferred: February 1, 1979.
7. Title of Ph.D. Thesis: Contribution to the theory of (n,m)-compact, paracompact and normal spaces.
8. Title of Master’s Thesis: Mappings and Spaces.
9. Languages: Arabic and English.
3. Teaching Experience:
No. |
Position |
Place of Work |
From |
To |
1- |
Full Professor |
Jordan University |
1998 |
Till now
2- |
Full Professor
King Abdulaziz University |
1997 |
1998 |
3- |
Full Professor
Jordan University |
Jan. 1991 |
Sept. 1997 |
Full Professor |
Yarmouk University |
Sept. 1990 |
Jan. 1991 |
Associate Professor |
Kuwait University |
1989 |
Aug. 1990 |
Associate Professor |
Yarmouk University |
1988 |
1989 |
Associate Professor |
Kuwait University |
1985 |
1988 |
Associate Professor |
Yarmouk University |
1983 |
1985 |
Assistant Professor |
Yarmouk University |
1979 |
1983 |
Part-time Lecturer |
Jordan University |
1975 |
1976 |
4. Membership in Professional Organizations:
1. Member of Amer, Math. Soc.
2. Member of Jordanian Association of Mathematical Sciences.
5. Academic, Administrative or Related Experience:
1. Acting Chairman of Math. Dept, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, 1983-1985.
2. Member of Council of Faculty of Science, Yarmouk University, 1982-1985.
3. Member of Council of Faculty of Science, Jordan University, 1991-1993.
4. Member of Council of Jordan University, 1995-1996.
5. Chairman of Math. Dept. , Jordan University, Amman-Jordan, 1998-2000.
6. Conferences:
1. The second Arab Conference in Physics and Mathematics, May, 1981, Jordan.
2. International Conference of Mathematics, August 1983, Warsaw, Poland.
3. All the Jordanian Math. Conferences.
7. Academic Honors:
1. Award of excellence in teaching, from Yarmouk University, 1985, Jordan.
2. Award of excellence in research in mathematics, from Abdel Hameed Shuman Association, Arab Bank, on the level of all Arab Countries, 1989.
8. Thesis Supervised of Master Level:
I supervised more than 30 M.Sc. thesis and 5 Ph.D. thesis in Mathematics.
9. Record of Courses Taught at University Level:
a- B.Sc. Level
1. Calculus Course.
2. Linear Algebra.
3. Ordinary Different Equations.
4. Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry.
5. Real Analysis.
6. Complex Analysis.
7. Topology.
8. Abstract Algebra.
9. Number Theory.
10. Methods of Mathematical Physics.
11. Math. Education.
b- M.Sc. Level
1. General Topology.
2. Algebraic Topology.
c- Ph.D Level (The Ph.D. program started in 1996)
1. General Topology.
10. Publications:
a- Articles
1. On the Product of Two LindelÖf Spaces, International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 41, (2008), 2011 – 2016.
(Written Jointly with M. S. Sarsak).
2. Weakly ALC Spaces, International Mathematical Forum, Vol. 41, (2008), 2017-2024.
(Written Jointly with M. S. Sarsak).
3. Expandable Mappings, Q and A in General Topology, Vol. 21, (2003), 147-157.
(Written Jointly with K. Al-Zoubi).
4. Countably Paracompact Mappings, Q and A in General Topology, Vol 21, (2003), 41-51.
(Written jointly with K. Al-Zoubi)
5. On Almost Lindelöf Spaces, Q and A in General Topology, Vol 19, (2001), 17-25.
(Written jointly with M. Sarsak).
6. On Strongly Lindelöf Spaces, Q and A Vol. 18, (2000), 289-298.
(Written jointly with M. Sarsk)
7. On a question of Hdeib, Q and A in General Topology, Vol. 15, (1997), 39-43.
8. Some results on [n,m]-paracompact and [n,m]-compact spaces, International J. of mathematics and mathematical sciences, Vol. 20, No. 1, (1977), 37-42.
9. C-scattered and Baire spaces, Q & A in General Topology, Vol. 9, No.2, (1991), 195-202.
10. Parafindelöf and Metalindelöf Spaces, The mathematical heritage of C.F. Gauss, World Scientific publication Company, Singapore, (1991), 342-348.
11. On strongly Lf-spaces, Q & A in General Topology, Vol. 8, No.2, 1990.
12. On functionally countable spaces, Q & A in General Topology, Vol. 8, (1990), 495-502 (Written jointly with C. M. Pareek).
13. A Generalizations of Scattered Spaces, Topology Proceedings, Vol. 14, (1989), 59-75 (Written jointly with C. M. Pareek).
14. A note on Parafindelöf spaces, Q & A in General Topology, Vol. 7, No. 1, (1989), 53-59.
15. On spaces in which every open cover has a weakly cushioned refinement, Q & A in General Topology, Vol. 7, No. 1, (1989), 17-22.
16. ω-continuous functions, Dirasat J. of University of Jordan, Vol. XVI, No.2, (1989), 136-142.
17. Parafindelöf spaces, Q & A in General Topology, Vol. 6, No. 1, (1988), 1-9 (written jointly with C. M. Pareek).
18. On spaces which have countable tightness, Q & A in General Topology, Vol. 6, No. 1, (1988), 11-20.
19. A note on L-closed spaces, Q & A General Topology, Vol. 6, No. 1, (1988), 67-72.
20. On the product of paracompact spaces, Q & A in General Topology, Vol. 5, (1987), 229-236.
21. On spaces in which Lindelöf sets are closed, Q & A in General Topology, Vol. 4, (1986), 3-13 (written jointly with C. M. Pareek).
22. On submetrizable spaces, Mathematica Japonica, Vol. 31, No. 1, (1986), 39-43 (written jointly with Y. Ünlü).
23. On pairwise Lindelöf spaces, Revista colombiana de Mathematicas, Vol. XVII, (1983), 37-58 (written jointly with A. Fora).
24. ω-closed mapping, Revista Colombiana de Mathematicas, Vol. XVI, (1982), 65-78.
25. (n,m)-proper mappings, The Journal of the University of Kuwait (Science), Vol. 9, No. 2, (1982), 187-195.
26. On preservation of normality, Revista Colombiana de Mathematicas, Vol. XV, (1981), 65-80.
27. On sublindelöf spaces, Dirasat J. of University of Jordan, Vol. 10, No. 2, (1983), 65-71.
28. On expandable spaces, J. Coll. Sci., King Saud University, Vol. 14, No. 1, (1983), 193-200.
29. n-compact and scattered spaces, J. Coll. Sci., King Saud University, Vol. 14, No. 1, (1983), 187-192.
30. On almost expandable spaces, Arab J. of Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 2, (1982), 47-54.
31. Characterizations of nearly paracompact and strongly paracompact spaces, Zanco, J. of Sulaimaniyah University, Vol. 7, No. 3, (1981), 62-66.
32. On pairwise paracompact spaces, Dirasat, J. of University of Jordan, Vol. IX, No. 2, (1982), 21-30 (written jointly with A. Fora).
33. A note on completely paracompact spaces, Dirasat, J. of University of Jordan, Vol. IX, No. 1, (1982), 31-38.
34. On [n,m]-compact spaces, Dirasat, J. of University of Jordan, Vol. VIII, (1981), 17-19.
35. A generalization of a theorem of Willard, Iraqi J. Sci., Vol. 22, No. 2, (1981), 260-264.
36. A note on totally paracompact spaces, Iraqi J. Sci., Vol. 22, No. 1, (1981), 87-92.
37. A note on [a,b]-compact spaces, Canad. Math. Bull., Vol. 22 (1), (1979), 105-112 (written jointly with C. M. Pareek).
38. A note on the product of paracompact spaces, Mathematica Japonica, Vol. 22, No. 4, (1977), 465-569 (written jointly with C. M. Pareek).
b- Books
1. Calculus II, Published by Ministry of Education, Oman State, (1985) (Written jointly with others).
2. Introduction to Abstract and Linear Algebra, Published by Ministry of Education, Oman State, (1986) (written jointly with others).
3. Math., 11th Grade text Book, Published by Ministry of Education, Jordan, (1995) (written jointly others).
4. Math., 12th Grade Text Book, Published by Ministry of Education, Jordan, (1996) (written jointly with others).
5. Math., 11th Grade Teacher Book, published by Ministry of Education, Jordan, (1997) (written jointly with others).
6. Math., 12th Grade Teacher Book, published by Ministry of Education, Jordan, (1997) (written jointly with others)
11. Other Research Activities:
1. Reviewer of Mathematical Reviews.
Referee of Q and A in General Topology.
Referee of several Jordanian Journals and some Arab Journals.
2. I Introduced some suggestions concerning the famous problem (when it was open): Is every regular paralindelof space normal? These suggestions were included in Peter J. Nyikos paper “A survey of two problems” which appeared in Topology proceedings, Vol. 3, 1978, 461-471.
3. I proved that the product of a C-scattered metacompact space with a metacompact is metacompact which gave an affirmative answer to the problem (Is the product of metacompact scattered space and a metacompact space metacompact) raised by Peter J. Nyikos in his paper “Covering properties on σ-scattered spaces” which appeared in Topology proceedings, Vol. 2, 1977, 509-542. The abstract of this solution appeared in Problems in Topology Proc., Vol. 3, 1978, 539.
4. I posed several new problems in my papers which appeared in Question and Answers in General Topology. Several mathematicians worked on these problems.
12. Level of Computer command in Teaching and Research: Very good.