
G.M.Cheiricato, C.Rizzi and H.A. Zakaria

IX European Symposium on the quality of eggs and egg product and the XV European Symposium on the quality of meat
 Kusadasi, TurkeySeptember  9-12, 2001Lecturer
Maisaa'a W. Shammout and Hana Zakaria
2016 International conference on mathematical computational and statistical sciences and engineering(MCSSE2016)
Shenzen, ChinaOctober, 30-31, 2016Lecturer
M.W.Shammout, H.Zakaria
2014 International Conference on Environment Engineering and Computer Application
Hong KongDecember, 25-26, 2014Participant
Maisa'a w. shammout and Hana zakaria
2013 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Engineering (ICBEEE 2013)
SingaporeDecember 1-2 , 2013Participant
Published in the international journal "Witt Transactions on the Bulit environment )ISSN: 1743-3509, volume 145, Witt Press, indexing by Ei compendex
Hana A.H. zakaria, Mohammad j. Tabba and Khalil A. Shawabkeh
The 6th Jordanian Scientific Agriculture Conference
Amman- Jordan9th-12 of April, 2007Lecturer
التحديات التي تواجه صناعة الدواجن وإنتاج أعلافها في الوطن العربي
عمان/الأردن فندق لاند مارك8-9/12/2014Others
لجنه تحضيريه
Istanbul-Turkey8-13 June 2004Lecturer
University of Jordan8-10 Jan, 2008.Participant
Amman-Intercontinental Hotel. Jordan4 November, 2008.Participant
the University of Padova2nd of March 2001Participant
United Nations University.International Leadership Institute28-29 October, 2008.Participant
3rd Mediterranean Polutry Summit and 6th International Poultry Conference
Alexandria-Egypt26-29 March,2012Lecturer
Padova Fiera, Padova, Italy26 Nov, 1999.Participant
Sponsered by the American Soybean meal Association at Sheraton Hotel Amman-Jordan.25-27/11/2005.Participant
H.Zakaria, S. Hatahet
XIV European Poultry Conference
Stavanger/Norway23-27 june, 2014Lecturer
Hana A.H. Zakaria and M.A. Jalal
The 17th European Symposium on poultry nutrition
Edinburgh-Ssotland23-27 August, 2009.Lecturer
American Soybean Meal Association
 four Seasons Hotel, Amman-Jordan22-23 April, 2012Participant
UJ, EC Delegation to Jordan and EMECW project,The University of Jordan.20th of April, 2008.Participant
Chiericato G.M., Rizzi C., Zakaria H.
XV European Symposium on the quality of poultry meat.
pp.157-162. Kusadasi/Turkey2001Participant
Chiericato G.M., Rizzi C., Zakaria H.
XV European Symposium on the quality of poultry meat
pp.193-198. Kusadasi/Turkey.2001Participant
Chiericato G.M., Rizzi C., Ravarotto L. Zakaria H.
 7th world Rabbit Congress
pp. 11-116. Valencia-Spain2000Participant
Chiericato G.M., Rizzi C., Zakaria H.
12th European symposium on waterfowl.
pp. 69-72. Adana/Turkey.1999Participant
Chiericato G.M., Rizzi C., Zakaria H.
12th European Symposium on waterfowl.
pp. 63-68. Adana/Turkey.1999Participant
Bologna-Italy.19-23 September 1999Participant
University of Cukurova, Adana-Turkey18-20 October, 1999Participant
Sponsered by the American Soybean meal Association at Sheraton Hotel Amman-Jordan.13-15 Jan, (2007)Participant