| | | E. A. Feilat | The 40th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC-40) | Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, UK | September 7-9, 2005 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat | The 40th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC-40) | Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, UK | September 7-9, 2005 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat, A. M. Jaroshi, and S. M. Radaideh | 41st International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2006) | Newcastle upon Tyne, UK | September 6-8, 2006 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat and K. N. Al-Tallaq | The 39th International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC-39) | UWE, Bristol, UK | September 6-8, 2004 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat | The 42nd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC 2007) | Brighton, UK | September 4-6, 2007 | Participant | |
| | | S. Grzybowski, E. A. Feilat, P. Knight, and L. Doriott | 1998 IEEE Annual Report of Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP98) | Atlanta, Georgia, USA | October 25-28, 1998 | Participant | |
| | | S. Grzybowski, E. A. Feilat, P. Knight, and L. Doriott | The 1999 Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, (CEIDP99) | Austin, Texas, USA | October 17-21, 1999 | Participant | |
| | | Mohammed A. Haj-ahmed, Eyad A. Feilat, Hussam J. Khasawneh, Ahmed F. Abedalhadi, Alaa Awwad | The 2017 IEEE-IAS Annual Meeting, | Cincinnati, OH, USA | October 1-5, 2017 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat | The 5th Jordanian International Electrical and Electronics Engineering Conference (JIEEE 2003) | Amman, Jordan | October 13-16, 2003 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat, K. N. Al-Tallaq, H. Yamin | The 5th Jordanian International Electrical and Electronics Engineering Conference (JIEEE 2003) | Amman, Jordan | October 13-16, 2003 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat | 7th Regional Conference of Cigre National Committees in Arab Countries | Amman, Jordan | November 3-5, 2007 | Participant |
| | | E. A. Feilat and A. Shaltout | The 2nd Saudi Symposium on Energy, Utilization & Conservation | KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia | November 27-30, 1994 | Participant | |
| | | | 7th IEEE International Conference on Control Systems, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE2017) | Malaysia | November 24-26,2017 | Participant | |
| | | Eyad A. Feilat, Dalia Abu-Eideh, Ibrahim A. Metwally | The International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications, 2019 (ICECTA'2019) | United Arab Emirates (UAE) | November 21, 2019 | Participant | |
| | | Alaa F. Farhan, Eyad A. Feilat, Ahmed S. Al-Salaymeh | The International Conference on Electrical and Computing Technologies and Applications, 2019 (ICECTA'2019) | United Arab Emirates (UAE) | November 21, 2019 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat and A. Al-Hinai | International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems (EPECS'11) | American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE | November 15-17, 2011 | Participant | |
| | | Ahmad Hammoudeh, Mohammad I. Al Saaideh, Eyad A. Feilat, Hamza Mubarak | 2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT) | Jordan | May 20, 2019 | Participant | |
| | | Mohammad I Al Saaideh, Eyad A Feilat, Dia I Abu-Al-Nadi, Amer S Al-Hinai | 2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (JEEIT) | Jordan | May 20, 2019 | Participant | |
| | | S. Grzybowski, E. A. Feilat, P. Knight, L. Doriott | The IEEE SoutheastCon99 | Lexington, Kentucky, USA | March 25-28, 1999 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat and N. Younan | The IEEE SoutheastCon99 | Lexington, Kentucky, USA | March 25-28, 1999 | Participant | |
| | | M. A-K. Jaradat, M. H. Garibeh, and E. A. Feilat | 6th International Symposium on Mechatronics and its Applications (ISMA09) | Sharjah, UAE | March 24-26, 2009 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat | The 6th Jordanian International Electrical and Electronics Engineering Conference (JIEEEC 2005) | Amman, Jordan | March 2006 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat, Ibrahim A. Metwally, Sulaiman Al-Matri and Ahmad S. Al-Abri | International Conference on Engineering Systems Modeling, Simulation and Analysis | Paris, France | June 28-29, 2013 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat, S. Grzybowski, and P. Knight | The 6th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (ICPADM’2000) | Xi’an, China | June 21-26, 2000 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat and Ali Al-Maqrashi | 6th IEEE GCC Conference & Exhibition 2011 | Dubai, UAE | February 19-22, 2011 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat | International Conference on Communication, Computer and Power (ICCCP'09) | Muscat, Oman | February 15-18, 2009 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat and E. K. Maaitah | International Conference on Communication, Computer and Power (ICCCP'09) | Muscat, Oman | February 15-18, 2009 | Participant | |
| | | A. AL-Hinai, A. Al-Badi, E. Feilat, M. Albadi, H. Al-Nassri, A. Al-Busaidi | The 10th Arab Academy of Sciences International conference on Energy and Water Sustainability | Beirut, Lebanon | December 7–9, 2012 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat | IEEE Jordan Conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and Computing Technologies (AEECT2011) | University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan | December 6-8, 2011 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat | The US-UAE Workshop: Recent Research and Education Activities in Power Electronics and Drives | American University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE | December 2005 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat and M. Bouzguenda | Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-ME (IEEE PES ISGT Middle East 2011) | Jeddah, Saudi Arabia | December 17-20, 2011 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat and Amer Al-Hinai | The 8th Jordanian International Electrical and Engineering Conference (JIEEEC2013) | Amman Jordan | December 16-18, 2012 | Participant |
| | | E. A. Feilat, A. M. Jaroshi, and S. M. Radaideh | The 5th WSEAS/IASME International Conference on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines | Tenerife, Spain | December 16-18, 2005 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat | The US-Jordan Workshop: Modern Power Electronics Research and Education | Amman, Jordan | December 16-17, 2002 | Participant | |
| | | K. N. Al-Tallaq and E. A. Feilat | CIGRE’2004 Paris Conference | Paris, France | August 29-September 3, 2004 | Participant | |
| | | S. Grzybowski, E. A. Feilat, P. Knight, and L. Doriott, | The 11th International Symposium on High Voltage Engineering (ISH’99) | London, UK | August 23-27, 1999 | Participant | |
| | | K. N. AL-Tallaq and E. A. Feilat | The 5th WSEAS International Conference on Power Systems and Electromagnetic Compatibility (PSE’05) | Corfu, Greece | August 23-25, 2005 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat | The 5th WSEAS International Conference on Power Systems and Electromagnetic Compatibility (PSE’05) | Corfu, Greece | August 23-25, 2005 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat | the 5th WSEAS International Conference on Power Systems and Electromagnetic Compatibility (PSE’05) | Corfu, Greece | August 23-25, 2005 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat, S. Grzybowski, and P. Knight | The 12th International Symposium on High-Voltage Engineering (ISH’2001) | Bangalore, India | August 20-24, 2001 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat | The IEEE SoutheastCon2000 | Nashville, TN, USA | April 7-9, 2000 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat, S. Grzybowski, and P. Knight | The IEEE SoutheastCon2000 | Nashville, TN, USA | April 7-9, 2000 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat and K. N. Al-Tallaq | The International Engineering Conference (MUTAH 2004) | Mutah, Jordan | April 26-28, 2004 | Participant | |
| | | S. Grzybowski, G. Gao, E. A. Feilat, and E. C. Mullinax | The 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation | Anaheim, CA, USA | April 2-5, 2000 | Participant | |
| | | E. A. Feilat, S. Grzybowski, and P. Knight | The 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Electrical Insulation (ISEI2000) | Anaheim, CA, USA | April 2-5, 2000 | Participant | |
| | | A. Shaltout and E. A. Feilat | The First National Jordanian Conference on Electrical Engineering | University of Mutah, Jordan | April 19-21, 1993 | Participant | |
| | | Mahmood I. H. Al-Tawalbeh, Eyad A. Feilat | 2nd International Conference on Electrical, Communication and Computer Engineering (ICECCE)
http://www.icecce.com/ | Turkey | April 14-15, 2020 | Participant | |
| | | Fadi M. AlAlamat, Eyad A. Feilat, Mohammed A. Haj-ahmed | 6th IEEE R8 International ENERGY Conference, ENERGYCON 2020, 13-16 April 2020, Gammarth – Tunis, Tunisia | Tunisia | April 13-16, 2020 | Participant | |
| | | Asem W. Bani Salameh, Eyad A. Feilat, Mohammed Haj-ahmed | 6th IEEE R8 International ENERGY Conference, ENERGYCON 2020, 13-16 April 2020, Gammarth – Tunis, Tunisia | Tunisia | April 13-16, 2020 | Participant | |
| | | M. H. Shwehdi and E. A. Feilat | The 59th American Power Conference (APC) | Chicago, Illinois, USA | April 1-3, 1997 | Participant | |
| | | S. Grzybowski, E. A. Feilat, and P. Knight | The International Conference on Advances in Processing, Testing and Application of Dielectric Materials (APTADM’2001) | Wroclaw, Poland | 2001 | Participant | |
| | | Salma Azzam, E. A. Feilat, Ahmed Al-Salaymeh | The 8th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC 2017) | Amman, Jordan | March 21-23, 2017 | Participant | |