| | Al-Qaddi, N., Vessella, F., Stephan, J., Al-Eisawi, D.; Schirone, B. (2016). | Reg. Environ Change | DOI 10.1007/s10113-016-0987-2. | | 2016 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. (2016). | Webbia | DOI: 1080/00837792.2016.1184383. | | 2016 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. (2015). | International Journal of Pharmacy & Therapeutics | 6(1): 25-32. | | 2015 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. and Al-Ruzayza, S. (2015). | International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation | 7(3): 173-189. | | 2015 |
| | Oran, S. A. and Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. (2015). | Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES) | 6(3): 381-400 | | 2015 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. and Oran S. A. (2015). | J. Bio. & Env. Sci. | 6(5): 93-106. | | 2015 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. (2015). | The Journal of Biodiversity Photon | 115: 473-487. | | 2015 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. and Al-Khateeb, M. S. (2015). | International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, | 4(9): 281-287. | | 2015 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. and Omar, G. (2015). | Novon | 24(3): 227-230. | | 2015 |
| | Al-Khatib, M. S. and Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. (2015). | International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences | 4(12): 151-156 | | 2015 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. and Abu Yahya, A. (2015). | Jordan Journal of Natural History | 2: 8-22. | | 2015 |
| | Oran, S. A. and Al-Eisawi, D. M. (2014). | International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation | 6(6): 436-443. | | 2014 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. (2014). | Jordan Journal of Natural History | 1: 35-58. | | 2014 |
 | | Al-Eisawi Dawud | | | The University of Jordan Press | 2013 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. (2013). | | | University Of Jordan Press. Amman, Jordan. Pp. 187. | 2013 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. | Pak. J. Bot. | 44(S12): 95-99. | | 2012 |
| | 126. Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. and Oran, S. A. (2012). | Webbia | 67(2): 189-193. | | 2012 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. | Conference on Education for Sustainable Development in Support of Cultural Diversity & Biodiversity. Oman – Muscat, 23-26, January, 2011. | | | 2011 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. | Special Workshop for the, Conference on Education for Sustainable Development in Support of Cultural Diversity & Biodiversity. Oman – Muscat, 23-26, January, 2011. | | | 2011 |
| | Al-Bakri, J. T., Al-Eisawi, D. M. Said Damhoureyeh. S. and Oran, S. (2011). | Annals of Arid Zone. | 50(2): 99-115. | | 2011 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. and Makhlouf, M. (2011). | 22 nd Pacific Science Congress. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 14-17 June, 2011. | | | 2011 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. (2012). | Pak. J. Bot | 44(S12): 157-163 | | 2011 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. | The First International Forum On The Qur’anic Botanical Garden. March 2-4, 2009, Doha, Qatar. | | | 2009 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. | International Conference on Plant & Environmental Pollution. Kayseri – Turkey. July 6-11, 2009. | | | 2009 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. | | | . 2nd World Scientific Congress Challenges in Botanical Research and Climate Change. 29 June-4 July 2008, Delft, The Netherlands. | 2008 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. | | | First International Congress Documenting, Analyzing and Managing Biodiversity in the Middle East. 20-23 October 2008 Aqaba, Jordan | 2008 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. and Damhuryieh, S. | | | Protection and Pollution, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia | 2007 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. | | | , 3rd Global Botanic Gardens Congress, April 16-20, Wuhan, China | 2007 |
| | Al- Eisawi, D. M. H.; Numaimat, K. | | | The First International Conference on Strategy of Botanic Gardens, Cairo, Egypt | 2006 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H.; Takruri, H.; Tukan, S. | | | Biodiversity as Food – Regional Workshop, AUB, Beirut | 2006 |
| | Afifi, E. Ü, Al-Khalil, S., Abdu-Haq, B. K., Mahasneh, A. Al-Eisawi, D.M.H., Sharaf, M., Wong, K. and Schriff P. L | | 5(4): 173-175. | | 2006 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. | | | (MENA) International Conference on Middle East and North Africa Botanic Gardens, 18-22, March 2005. Marriott, Dead Sea, Jordan. | 2005 |
| | Omar, G. I. and Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. | | | Promoting Community-driven Conservation and Sustainable Use of Dryland Agrobiodiversity” Aleppo, Syria | 2005 |
| | Omar, G. I. and Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. | | | Promoting Community-driven Conservation and Sustainable Use of Dryland Agrobiodiversity” Aleppo, Syria | 2005 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. and Farhan, A. | | | Fourth Meeting of the Arabian Plant Specialist Group (APSG). Abu-Dhabi, UAE | 2005 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. | | | Fourth Meeting of the Arabian Plant Specialist Group (APSG). Abu-Dhabi, UAE | 2005 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. H. | | | Global Partnership for Plant Conservation - Conference, 23-25 October 2005, Dublin, Ireland. | 2005 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. | | | Proceedings of the, International FORUM on Food Security under Water Scarcity in the Middle East: Problems and Solutions COMO (Italy) | 2004 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. | | | Arabian Gulf University. Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain | 2004 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. | | | 2nd International Botanic Gardens Conference. Barcelona, Spain | 2004 |
| | Al-Dwiri, M. M. and Al-Eisawi D. M. H. | | | Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Jordan, Amman | 2004 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. | 2nd International Botanic Gardens Conference. Barcelona, Spain, 17-22 April, 2004 | | | 2004 |
| | Al-Dwiri, M. M. and Al-Eisawi D. M. H. | M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Jordan, Amman. 2004. | | | 2004 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. | Biodiversity Conference in Kuwait | 54: 81-90 | Journal of Arid Environments | 2003 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D.M. | | | The Second Saudi Symposium On Halophytic Plantation, 3-6/1/1423 H, 17-20 March 2002 AD. King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh | 2002 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D.M. | | | Proceedings of the: Conference of Population Growth and its future Reflections: Bahrain as a Model. 1-3 April, 2002. Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain | 2002 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. | | | GEF/TWNSO Workshops for Africa, North Africa and Middle East Region. Promoting Best Practices for Conservation & Sustainable Biodiversity of Global Significance in Arid and Semi-Arid Zones, 20-25 April 2002.Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman | 2002 |
 | | | Arab Journal of Scientific Research | 19(1): 1-6. | | 2001 |
 | | | Arab Gulf Journal for Scientific Research | 19(3): 167-169. | | 2001 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D.M. | Arab Gulf Journal for Scientific Research | 19(3): 167-169 | | 2001 |
| | العيسوي، داود محمد | المؤتمر العربي الأول للتغذية ، المنامة - البحرين | | | 2001 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D.M. | Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium and Workshop on Arid zone Environments: Research and management options for Mangrove and Salt Marsh Ecosystems | | | 2001 |
 | | Khalid, R. Y., Al-Eisawi, D. M. | | (517): 21-30. | | 2000 |
| | Aburjai, T. Al-Khalili, S., Al-Eisawi, D. | Acta Technological et legis Medicamenti. | 11(3): 137-146. | | 2000 |
| | AL Eisawi, D. M. & Dajani B. | The Society of the Jordanian Chest Physicians. Pp.16.
| Pp.16. | | 2000 |
| | Barsotti, G., Borzatti-De Loewenstern, A. & Garbari F. | | 13: 111-115. | | 2000 |
| | Al-Khalil, S., Abu-Zarka, M., Zeitoun, N., Al-Eisawi, D., Zahra, J., Sabri, S. & Ur-Rahman, A. | | 14(2): 91-94. | | 2000 |
| | Aburjai, T., Amro, B., Al-Khalil, S. & Al-Eisawi, D. | Acta Technologiae et Legis Medicamenti | 11(3): 137-146. | | 2000 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M, El-Oqlah, A. , Oran, S. & Lahham, J. | A Unted Nation Environment Programme. | | | 2000 |
 | | Al-Eisawi, D., G., Borzatti-De Loewenstern, A. & Garbari F. | Webbia | 55(2):195-277. | | 2000 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M, El-Oqlah, A. , Oran, S. & Lahham, J. | Unted nation Environment Programme. | | | 2000 |
 | | | International Conference on the Conservation of Biodiversity in the Arid Regions. March 27-29, 2000, State of Kuwait. | | Biodiversity Conference in Kuwait | 2000 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. | | | Dubai international Conference on Desertification, 12 – 16 Feb. 2000. Zayed International Prize for the Environment | 2000 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. | | | Arabian Plant Special Group. 1-3 May 2000, Abu Dhabi – AUE. | 2000 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. | | | Regional workshop on effective management of protected areas and biosphere reserves for conservation of biodiversity. Damascus, Syria, 19-21 September 2000. | 2000 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M. | | | Regional workshop on effective management of protected areas and biosphere reserves for conservation of biodiversity. Damascus, Syria, 19-21 September 2000. | 2000 |
| | Al-Eisawi, D. M, El-Oqlah, A. , Oran, S. & Lahham, J. | | | Plant Biodiversity and Taxonomy. General Corporation for Environment Protection. Publisher, Untied Nation Environment Programme. | 2000 |
| | Al-Kurdi, R., Khalif, H. and Al-Eisawi, D. | Dirasat, Agricultural sciences | (27): 10-19. | | 1999 |
| | Cope, T. and Al-Eisawi, D. M. | Jordan's Desert Margin. Kegan Paul International, London and New York. | PP. 183-188 | | 1998 |
| | Oran, S. A. and Al-Eisawi, D. M. | Dirasat. Midical and Biological Sciences | 25(2): 84-112. | | 1998 |
 | | Tukan, S. K., Takruri, H. R., and Al-Eisawi, D. M. | International Journal of Food and Sciencs and Nutrition.
| (49): 225-235. | | 1998 |
| | AL-Eisawi, D. M. | | | Jordan Press Foundation "Al Rai". Amman. PP. 296 with 488 coloured photographs. | 1998 |
| | AL-Khalil, S., Sabri, S., AL-Dwairi, W., AL-Eisawi, D. & Abuzarga, M. | | 11 (2): 65-69. | | 1997 |
| | Afifi, F., Saket, M., Jaghabir, M. and AL-Eisawi, D. | Current Therapeutic Research | 58(11): 888-892. | | 1997 |
| | AL-Eisawi, D., Borzatti von Lwenstern, A. and Garbari, F. | | 28(3): 404-409. | | 1997 |
 | | AL-Khalil, S., Alkofahi, A., AL-Eisawi, D. and AL-Shibib, A. | | 60 | | 1997 |
| | Oran, S. & AL Eisawi, D. M. | Quad. Mus. Stor. Nat. Livorno | 13: 19-21. | | 1996 |
| | Fakuri, W., Khlaif, H. & AL Eisawi, D. M. | | 10: 59-65. | | 1996 |
| | Edwards, M., AL-Eisawi, D. M. & Millington, A. ( | Submitted to the Remote Sensing Society Annual Conference. | | | 1996 |
| | AL-Eisawi, D. M. | | | Book Published By UNESCO (ROSTAS). Cairo. pp. 284. | 1996 |
| | AL-Eisawi, D. M. & Oran, S. | | | The Third Jordanian Scientific Conference, 26, August-2 September. Higher Council for Science and Technology, Amman. Land Resources for Sustainable use. Volume 5. Ecology, 1-23. | 1996 |
| | AL-Eisawi, D., EL-Oqlah, A., Oran, S. and Lahham, J. | | | Proceedings of a National Seminar, 2-4 August 1994, Amman, Jordan, West Asia and North Africa Regional Office, IPGRI. pp. 13-51. | 1996 |
| | Edwards, M., Al-Eisawi, D., Wellens, J. and Millington, A. | | | 3rd. ERS Symposium, Florence, Italy, 1997 – Abstracts and Papers. | 1996 |
| | | RAMSAR and The World Bank. | pp. 72. | | 1995 |
| | | | | Submitted to the World Bank. | 1995 |
| | Al-Khalil, S. & Al-Eisawi, D. M. | Bull. Fac. Pharm. Cairo Univ. | 33: 111-114. | | 1995 |
| | Oran, S., Oran, R. & AL-Eisawi, D. M. | Mu'tah Journal for Research and Studies | 10(4): 15-42. | | 1995 |
| | Abed, A.M., AL-Eisawi, D. M. | | XXI (3): 189-20. | | 1994 |
| | Al-Khalil, S., AL-Eisawi, D. M., Masaya, K., & Munekazu, I. | Journal of Natural Products
| 57 (2): 201-205. | | 1994 |
| | | Proceedings of "MAN AND MOUNTAIN' 94". Primo Convegno Internazionale la Protezione e lo Sviluppo dell' Ambiente Montano. Ponte di legno (BS), Italy, 20 - 24 1994. Printed in Italy by Grafiche Galeati, Via Selica 189, 40026 lomola.
| | | 1994 |
| | AL-Eisawi, D. M., Oran, S. & Podlech, D. | | 2:31- 34. | | 1994 |
| | AL-Eisawi, D. M., Oran, S. & Podlech, D. | | 2:35- 37. | | 1994 |
| | AL-Eisawi, D. M. | Proceedings of "PLANT GENETIC RESOURCE WORKSHOP". Amman, 2-4 August 1994. | | Proceedings of "PLANT GENETIC RESOURCE WORKSHOP". Amman, 2-4 August 1994. | 1994 |
| | Al-Khalil, S., AL-Eisawi, D. M., Sharaf, M. & Schiff, P. | | 59(3): 267. | | 1993 |
| | Arafeh M. S., Qrunfleh, M. M. & Al-Eisawi, D. M. | | (5): 17-33. | | 1993 |
| | Al-Khalil, S. & AL-Eisawi, D. M.
| | 20B (1): 151-153. | | 1993 |
| | Qrunfleh, M. M., Arafeh, M. M. S. & AL-Eisawi, D. M. | Advances in Horticultureal Science | 3: 129-133. | | 1992 |
| | Al-Khalil, S., AL-Eisawi, D. M., & Fischer, N. | | 6(3): 307-309. | | 1992 |
| | Aqel, M., AL Khalil, S., Afifi, F. & AL Eisawi, D. M. | | 29(1): 2-8. | | 1991 |
| | Aqel, M., Al Khalil, S., Afifi, F. & AL Eisawi, D. M. | Journal of Ethnopharmacology, | 31: 373-381. | | 1991 |