| | Yamani, M. I.and Isa, J.K. | World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, | 2: 290-297 | | 2006 |
 | | Nassereddin, R. I. and Yamani, M. I. | Journal of Food Protection. | 68:773-777. | | 2005 |
 | | Yamani, M. I., Al-Kurdi, L. M. A., Haddadin, M. S.Y. and Robinson, R. K. | | 10: 35-39. | | 1999 |
 | | Mihyar, G. F., Yousif, A. K, and Yamani, M. I., | Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. | 12:53-61. | | 1999 |
 | | Yamani, M. I., Hammouh, F. G. A, Humeid, M. A. and Robinson, R. K | | 39: 233-237. | | 1999 |
| | |
Dirasat, Agricultural Sciences.
| 25:72-81. | | 1998 |
| |
Alshawabkeh, K. and Yamani, M. I.
Dirasat, Agricultural Science.
| 25:82-88. | | 1998 |
 | | Yamani, M. I., Al-Nabulsi A. A., Haddadin, M. S. and Robinson, R. K. | International Journal of Dairy Technology. | 51:86-89. | | 1998 |
 | | Yamani, M. I., Abu Tayeh, S. J. and Salhab, A. S. | Journal of Food Protection. | 61:1480-1483. | | 1998 |
 | | Yamani, M. I., Al-Kurdi, L. M. A., Haddadin, M. S.Y. and Robinson, R. K. | Recent Research Developments in Agricultural and Food Chemistry. | 2:611-627. | | 1998 |
| | |
Al Mohandes Al-Ziraie (Agricultural Engineer)
| Vol. 62, March, 14-15. | | 1998 |
 | | Mihyar, G. F., Yamani, M. I, and Al-Sa’ed, A. K. | Journal of Dairy Science. | 80:2304-2309. | | 1997 |
 | | Yamani, M. I., Tukan, S. K., and Abu-Taye, S. J. | Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation, | 17:638-643. | | 1997 |
| | |
Altabib Al-Baitari (The Veterinarian)
| Vol:13, January, 32-46. | | 1997 |
| |
Yamani, M. I. and Humeid, M. A
Extension bulletin, Jordan, Ministry of Agriculture,
| | | 1997 |
| | |
Extension bulletin, Jordan, Ministry of Agriculture
| | | 1997 |
| | |
Al Mohandes Al-Ziraie (Agricultural Engineer)
| Vol. 60, Jun, 52-54. | | 1997 |
 | | Alshawabkeh, K. and Yamani, M. I. | Dirasat, Agricultural Science. | 23:67-72. | | 1996 |
 | | Yamani, M. I. and Ibrahim, S. A. | Journal of the Society of Dairy Technology. | 49: 103-108. | | 1996 |
| | |
Altabib Al-Baitari (The Veterinarian)
| January and April, 41-48. | | 1996 |
| | |
Altabib Al-Baitari (The Veterinarian)
| January and April, 57-63. | | 1996 |
| | |
Altabib Al-Baitari (The Veterinarian)
| January and April, 79-84. | | 1996 |
| | |
Al Mohandes Al-Ziraie (Agricultural Engineer)
| Vol. 61, November, 71-84. | | 1996 |
| |
Kanfer, R. N. Yamani, M. I. and Humeid, M. A.
Al Mohandes Al-Ziraie (Agricultural Engineer)
| Vol. 56, October, 54-55. | | 1995 |
 | | Yamani, M. I. and Al-Dababseh, B. A. | Journal of Food Protection. | 57: 431-435. | | 1994 |
 | | Yamani, M. I. and Abu-Jaber, M. M. | Journal of Dairy Science. | 77: 3558-3564. | | 1994 |
 | | | International Journal of Food Science and Technology. | 28: 111-116. | | 1993 |
 | | | World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. | 9: 176-179. | | 1993 |
| | |
Altabib Al-Baitari (The Veterinarian)
| Vol. 8, January and February, 44-47. | | 1992 |
| |
Yamani, M. I., Humeid, M. A. and Tukan, S. K.,
Extension bulletin, University of Jordan/ Faculty of Agriculture/ Department of Nutrition and Food Technology.
| | | 1992 |
| | |
Altabib Al-Baitari (The Veterinarian)
| Vol. 8, March and April, 43-48. | | 1992 |
| | |
Altabib Al-Baitari (The Veterinarian)
| Vol. 6, March, 72-76. And Al Mohandes Al-Ziraie (Agricultural Engineer): Vol. 9, March, 72-76. | | 1990 |
| |
Omari, M. A., Humeid, M. A., and Yamani, M. I.
| | 15(10): 22-41. (In Arabic) | | 1988 |
| |
Humeid, M. A., Yamani, M. I., and Tukan, S. K.
Al Mohandes Al-Ziraie (Agricultural Engineer)
| Vol. 17, September, 15-23. And Al Mohandes Al-Ziraie Al-Arabi (Arab Agricultural Engineer): 23:13-20. | | 1988 |
| |
Yamani, M. I., Humeid, M. A., and Tukan, S.
| | 14 (11): 179-186. (In Arabic) | | 1987 |
| |
Humeid, M. A. and Yamani, M. I.
Al Mohandes Al-Ziraie (Agricultural Engineer)
| Vol. 16, January, 68-72. | | 1987 |
| |
Yamani, M. I. and . Humeid, M. A.
Altabib Al-Baitari (The Veterinarian):
| Vol. 3, Jun, 40-45. | | 1987 |
| | |
Al Mohandes Al-Ziraie (Agricultural Engineer)
| Vol. 1, May, 42-45. | | 1985 |
 | | Yamani, M. I., Dickertmann, D., and Untermann, F. | Zentralblat für Bakteriologie and Hygiene, I. Abt. Orig. B. | 173: 478-587. | | 1981 |
| |
Untermann, F. and Yamani, M. I.
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium of World Veterinary Food Hygienists.
| Aug. 30-Sept. 4, 1981, Dublin- Ireland. | | 1981 |
| |
Untermann, F., Lorenz, M., and Yamani, M. I.
Archive für Lebensmittelhygiene.
| 31: 173-174. | | 1980 |
| |
Humeid, M. A., Tukan, S. K., and Yamani, M. I.
| | 45: 513-516. | | (1990). |
| |
Untermann, F., Dickertmann, D., and Yamani, M. I
Proceedings of World Congress Foodborne Infections and Intoxications Berlin,
| June 29-July 3, 1980. | | (1980 |