| | The course is designed to familiarize students with the principles of plant protection including both plant pathology and entomology parts. It will focus on the basic aspects of entomology and plant pathology dideases. | S1 2018/2019, S2 2018/2019, S3 2018/2019, S1 2019/2020, S3 2019/2020, |
| | The purpose of this course is to give an idea to the students about the plant diseases caused by phytopathogenic bacterial genera, their characteristic and taxonomy, economic importance, causal agents, epidemiology and control. | S1 2018/2019, S2 2018/2019, S1 2019/2020, S2 2019/2020, S1 2020/2021, S2 2020/2021, S3 2020/2021, S1 2021/2022, |
| | The student collects information from local, regional and international scientific journals and books published in the last five years. The student presents the topic using suitable illustration facilities, followed by general discussion | S2 2018/2019 |
| | | S1 2020/2021, S2 2020/2021, S3 2020/2021, |
| | | S1 2020/2021, S1 2021/2022 |
| | Give the student an idea about the different phytopathogenic bacterial genera and the recent updating nomenclature of phytopathogenic bacterial genera, diseases they cause, isolation on common and selective media, characteristics, their taxonomy, different techniques for their detection, survival, epidemic and genetics.
| S2 2019/2020, S1 2021/2022 |
| | The purpose of this course is to give the Ph.D students an idea about seed- borne diseases, their causal agents, including fungi, bacteria, viruses, and nematodes, economic importance, epidemiology, control and different detection techniques. | S12021/2022 |
| | This course deals with giving an idea of knowledge about the survival structures of bacteria in their environment under favorable and unfavorable environmental conditions. Students will learn basic and advanced information about bacterial genetics, bacterial diversity, types of mutation, the impact of the mutation on drug and antibiotic resistance, and the use of bacteria and bacteriophages in the biological control of bacterial plant pathogens. Part of the lectures in this course can be converted into practical laboratories, and the active learning methodology will be used. | S1-2022/2023 |