| | Nabil Khairy | Palestine Exploration Quarterly | Vol. 146.1: 15-21 | | 2012 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Palestine Exploration Quarterly | Vol. 143.3: 188-196 | | 2011 |
| | نبيل الخيري | اليرموك للمسكوكات | العدد 22: الصفحات 15-28 | | 2011 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan | Vol. X: 881- 898 | | 2007 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Damaszener Mitteilungen | Band 14: 167-191 | Verlag Philipp Von Zabern , Mains am Rhein | 2004 |
| | Z.T. Fiema et. Al.
| American Center of Oriental Research | 441-452 | | 2001 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| The Archaeology of Jordan and Beyond | 112-155 | Harvard University , Atlanta | 1999 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Palestine Exploration Quarterly | Vol. 118.2: 101-108 | | 1989 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Dirasat : A Research Journal , The University of Jordan | Vol. XII: 73-90 | | 1988 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Levant : Journal of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem | Vol. XIX : 167-181 | | 1987 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Levant : Journal of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem | Vol. XVIII: 143-153 . | | 1987 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Petra Neue Ausgrabungen und Entdeckungen : Munchen und Bad Windscheim | 58-73 | | 1986 |
| | نبيل الخيري | مجلدات المؤتمر الدولي لبلاد الشام | 47-94 | | 1986 |
| | نبيل الخيري
| دراسات : الجامعة الاردنية | المجلد 12 العدد 18 ، الصفحات 227-249 | | 1985 |
| | نبيل الخيري
| مجلة المؤرخ العربي | (31) ، الصفحات 88-95 | | 1985 |
| | نبيل الخيري | مجلة المؤرخ العربي | العدد (17) ، الصفحات 197-201 | | 1985 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Palestine Exploration Quarterly | Vol.116.2 : 115-120 | | 1984 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan | Vol.1:275-283 | | 1982 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Paletsine Exploration quarterly | Vol. 113.1: 19-26. | | 1981 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy | Palestine Exploration Quarterly London | Vol.112.1 : 51-61 | | 1980 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina – Vereins | Band 96, Heft 2 : 163-168 | | 1980 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Zeitschrift des Deutschen Palastina – Vereins | Band 101, Heft 1: 32-42 | | 1980 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy | Levant : Journal of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem | Vol. XII : 155-162 | | 1980 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Bonner Jahrbucher | Vol. 240, Fall 85-92 | | 1980 |
| | | حولية دائرة الاثار الاردنية | ، العدد 15 | | 1975 |
| | Nabil Ibrahim Khairy
| Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research | Vol. 250: 17-40 | | 1983 |