| | Salman Albdour | Symposium, Youths in the Face of Extremist Ideology | Scientific Research Support Fund - Jordan | 2015 | Participant | |
| | | Seminar "Linking Decentralization to Human Rights and Good Governance, The Jordanian Center for Human Rights | Amman - Jordan | 2010 | Participant | |
| | | Seminar on the Renaissance in Omman, Manbar Alumah Alhur | Amman - Jordan | 2010 | Participant | Dr. Yousef Kawnmeh, Dr. Yaha Alfrhan, Dr. Zeiyad Alzo'bee, Dr. Salmeh Ne'mat, Dr. Husnee Alshyab |
| | Salman Albdour | The Creation of a Parallel Comparative Dictionary of European and Arabic Political Words and Notions | Budapest - Hungary | 2008 | Participant | |
| | | Seminar, Perceptions and Misperceptions on the Mediterranean Shore | Alexandria – Egypt | 2008 | Participant | |
| | | Workshop on Human Rights | Copenhagen – Denmark | 2005 | Participant | |
| | Salman Albdour | International Colloquium on Bu-Ali Sina, Hamedan University | Hamedan – Iran | 2004 | Participant | |
| | | The Middle East: Culture, Religion and Community, Looking Beyond the Current Crisis | Amman - Jordan | 2003 | Participant | |
| | | UNESCO International Conference on Globalization and Higher Education, Implications for North-South Dialogue. | Oslo - Norway | 2003 | Participant | |
| | | International Conference on Globalization and Higher Education, International Association of Universities | Lyon - France | 2002 | Participant | |
| | | Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education, International Conference of the Association of University Presidents | Sydney - Australia | 2002 | Participant | |
| | | Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Strathclyde University in Co-operation with British Council | Glasgow - UK | 2001 | Participant | |
| | Salman Albdour | World Conference on Mulla Sadra | Tehran - Iran | 1999 | Participant | |
| | | Conference on Co-operation between Iran and the Arab World | Tehran - Iran | 1999 | Participant | |
| | | Fourth Conference on Philosophy in the Arab World | Amman - Jordan | 1995 | Participant | |
| | | Third Conference on Philosophy in the Arab World, Arab Philosophical Society, University of Jordan | Amman - Jordan | 1992 | Participant | |
| | Salman Albdour | The Participation of Islamic Nations in Islamic Civilization, The 8th Conference, Royal Institute for Research in Islamic Civilization | Amman - Jordan | 1991 | Participant | |
| | Salman Albdour | Fourth Conference on the History of Bilad al-Sham, University of Jordan | Amman - Jordan | 1990 | Participant | |
| | Salman Albdour | Iran, War and Society: Power, Language and Memory, Center foe Middle Eastern Studies, Chicago University | USA | 1988 | Participant | |
| | Salman Albdour | Biography and Autobiography in Iran in the Last two Centuries, Harvard University | USA | 1988 | Participant | |
| | Salman Albdour | Second Conference on Philosophy in the Arab World, University of Jordan | Amman - Jordan | 1987 | Participant | |
| | | Tribe, Religion and State in the Middle East, Center for Middle Eastern Studies,Harvard University | USA | 1987 | Participant | |
| | Salman Albdour | Academic Day of the Faculty of Arts, University of Jordan | Amman - Jordan | 1987 | Participant | |
| | Salman Albdour | First Conference of Culture in Jordan, University of Jordan | Amman - Jordan | 1985 | Participant | |
| | Salman Albdour | First Conference on Philosophy in the Arab World, University of Jordan | Amman - Jordan | 1983 | Participant | |