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Principles of Atomic and Molecular Physics.
One-Electron Atoms; Electron Spin; addition of Angular Momenta; Time-Dependent and Time-Independent Perturbation; Fine Structure and Hyperfine Structure; Interaction of One-Electron Atoms with Electromagnetic Radiation; Electric Dipole Transitions; Interaction of One-Electron Atoms with External Electric and Magnetic Fields; Two-Electron Atoms; Molecular Structure and Spectra of Diatomic Molecules.
4th Year
Interdisciplinary Course in Utilization of Computational and Programming Techniques in Physics.
This course is basically intended to provide the student of Physics with the tools necessary to use a computer in tackling physical problems. Topics represent implementations to what students have taken in advanced courses such as: Quantum Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Atomic Physics, Nuclear Physics, and Solid State Physics. Simulation of real physical systems is also a part of the course.
4th Year
Basic Principles of Mechanics.
Motion in One Dimension, Vectors, Motion in Two Dimensions, The Laws of Motion, Circular Motion, Work and Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy, Linear Momentum and Collisions, Rotation of a Rigid Object About a Fixed Axis, Rolling Motion and Angular Momentum, Fluids.
1st Year
Basic Principles of Electricity and Magnetism.
Electric Field, Gauss’s Law; Electric Potential; Capacitance and Dielectrics; Current and Resistance; Direct Current Circuits, Magnetic Field, Sources of the Magnetic Field, Faraday’s Laws of Induction.
1st Year
Introductory Course of Physics for Biological Sciences Majors.
Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in two Dimensions, Newton’s Laws of Motion, STATICS, Work, Energy, and Power, Linear Momentum, Temperature and the Behavior of Gases, Thermodynamics, Thermal Properties of Matter, Electric Forces, Electric Fields, Electric Potentials, Direct Currents.
1st Year
Basic Experiments (Mainly in Mechanics) include:
Collection and Analysis of Data, Measurements and Uncertainties, Vectors: Force Table, Kinematics of Rectilinear Motion, Force and Motion, Collision in Two Dimensions, Rotational Motion, Simple Harmonic Motion: Simple Pendulum, The Behavior of Gases with Changes in Temperature and Pressure, The Falling Sphere Viscometer, Specific Heat Capacity of Metals.
1st Year
Basic Experiments (Mainly in Electricity and Magnetism) include:
Electric Field Mapping, Specific Charge of Copper Ions, Power Transfer, Potentiometer, Capacitors: RC Time Constant, Kirchhoff's Laws, Magnetic Field of a Current, Lenses, Young's Double Slit Experiment, Electromagnetic Induction, Ohm's Law.
1st Year
Basic Experiments in Physics include:
Measurements and Uncertainties, Collection and Analysis of Data, Vectors: Force Table, Newton's 2nd Law of Motion, Simple Harmonic Motion: Simple Pendulum, The Falling Sphere Viscometer, The Laws of Gases, Measurement of Resistance, The Potentiometer, Specific Charge of Copper Ions, Introduction to the Oscilloscope, Joule Heat, Lenses
1st Year
Basic Experiments in Physics include:
Measurements and Uncertainties, Collection and Analysis of Data, Vectors: Force Table, Newton's 2nd Law of Motion, Simple Harmonic Motion: Simple Pendulum, The Falling Sphere Viscometer, The Laws of Gases, Measurement of Resistance, The Potentiometer, Specific Charge of Copper Ions, Introduction to the Oscilloscope, Joule Heat, Electromagnetic Induction, Lenses.
1st Year
Introductory Course of Physics for those students who did not study Physics at high School.
Kinematics in One Dimension, Kinematics in Two Dimensions and Vectors, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Circular Motion, Work and Energy, Electric Charge and Field, Electric Potential, Electric Direct Current, Direct Current Circuits, Magnetism
1st Year

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics:
Wave Functions, Schrödinger Equation, Wave Packets, Probability Amplitudes, Stationary States, Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation, One-dimensional System; Potential Well and Potential Barrier Problems, Matrix Mechanics: Linear Vector Spaces, Operators, Measurements and Probability Amplitudes, Position and Momentum Space Wave Functions. Schrödinger Equation in Three Dimensions: Central Potentials, Orbital, Angular Momentum and Spin, Hydrogen-Like Atoms.

2nd Year
This course is dedicated to produce and “induce” well-prepared physics teachers and researchers. Students will be exposed to interactive training on teaching methods and scientific research, in order to help them represent physics properly and powerfully in lectures and research projects.
4th Year

Applications of Quantum Mechanics:
Approximation Methods; Elementary Theory of Angular Momentum; Zeeman Effect; Stark Effect; Identical Particles; Quantum Theory of Scattering.

3rd Year
This course is dedicated to present basic methodologies of scientific research. Students will be exposed to interactive training on scientific research and scientific writing, in order to help them represent physics properly and powerfully in research projects.
4th Year

Basics of Special Relativity:
This course introduces the basic ideas and equations of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity; the physics of Lorentz contraction, time dilation, and E=mc2.

3rd Year

Introductory Course of Optics:
Nature of Light; Huygens's Principle; Fermat's Principle; Wave Equations; Superposition of Waves; Interference of Light; Optical interferometry; Production of Polarized Light; Fraunhofer Diffraction; Diffraction Grating.

2nd Year

Introductory Course of Modern Physics (Physics based on the two breakthroughs of the early the 20th century; quantum mechanics and relativity).
Special Theory of Relativity (overview only); Quantum Nature of Radiation; Wavelike Properties of Particles; Rutherford-Bohr Model; Quantum Mechanics (basics).

2nd Year
Advanced Atomic and Molecular Physics.
Advanced course aims to prepare master students for further studies and research in applied atomic and molecular physics.
"University Family" Zero-Credit Hour Course.
A compulsory course for bachelor students in their first semester at the university, aims at advising, orienting and supporting them to facilitate their engagement in the campus life. Moreover, it is an opportunity to encourage students to be involved in some initiatives/activities of positive ethical, social, or academic impact on the community and on the students themselves.
1st Year, 1st Semester
Advanced Interdisciplinary Course in Utilization of Computational and Programming Techniques in Physics.
This course gives a modern introduction to the basic methods in computational physics. Computational physics is a rapidly growing subfield of physics and computational science in large part because computers can solve previously intractable problems or simulate natural processes that do not have analytic solutions. The broad categories of computational physics are Simulation, Visualization and Modeling. This course is basically intended to provide students with the ability of solving difficult problems by using computational methods and to learn and use programming languages.
Basic Principles of Physics.
Motion in One Dimension, Motion in Two Dimensions, The Laws of Motion, Work and Energy, Rotational Motion, Static Equilibrium, Fluids, Heat, Thermodynamics, Radioactivity, Radiation.
1st Year
Advanced Course on Ion Beam Analysis Techniques.
This course lays down the experimental and theoretical basis of the ion beam analysis (IBA) techniques as part of the active research topics available in the University of Jordan Van de Graaff Accelerator (JUVAC) facility. The main theme of the postgraduate elective course “Special Topics in Physics” is to facilitate the engagement of postgraduate students in the current research topics in the department of physics. I designed this special course in ion beam analysis techniques to encourage students to pursue experimental research. On the long run, this course may “induce” well-prepared and passionate students to conduct IBA experiments with a range of X-ray, gamma ray, and particle-based detection techniques. This may further expand the community of scientists and students utilizing accelerator-based techniques.
Modern Optics.
Matrix treatment of polarization; Fresnel diffraction; theory of multilayer films; Fresnel equations; laser basics; laser applications; nonlinear optics and the modulation of light; optical properties of materials.
3rd Year